Photo: (creative commons)
Town Manager Paul Bockelman submitted his nominations for a new Director of Senior Services and members of the Board of Health in memos to the town clerk dated 7/9 and 7/22 respectively.. These nominations were subsequently approved unanimously by the Town Council at their meeting of July 22.
The new Director of Senior Services is Mary Beth Ogulewicz. Bockelman provided the following biographical information in his nominating memo.
Mary Beth Ogulewicz will bring a broad breadth of education and experience as the Town’s new Director of Senior Services. She is a practicing attorney and licensed clinical social worker who has been working in the field of elder care. Currently, Mary Beth is an associate in the law firm of Morrison Mahoney, LLP and concentrates her practice in the area of mental health law. She represents hospitals, long-term care facilities, medical providers, non-profits, families and individuals. She is a certified mindfulness instructor and yoga teacher and a member of the Hampden County Commission on the Status of Women. Prior to joining private practice, Mary Beth worked in the Hampden County District Attorney’s Office for 18 years as a criminal prosecutor trying hundreds of cases including homicide, sexual assault, child abuse, and elder abuse. She began her legal career as a law clerk to the justices of the Superior Court. Mary Beth has a unique combination of legal skills honed through years of practice combined with a social work understanding of the interconnectedness of the medical, mental health, and legal systems. She impressed the interview team with her passion for service developed through her legal work and through direct personal experience advocating for her aging parents. Mary Beth will be a strong addition to the town’s management team and is prepared to take on the leadership of the town’s senior center.
Board of Health
The new appointments to the Board of Health are as follows.
Reappointed for a three year term: Steve George.
Appointed for two year terms: Maureen Millea and Timothy Randhir.
Nancy Gilbert and John Tobiason will continue as members. Their terms expire June 30, 2020.
Their personal profiles, provided by the Town Manager in his nominating memo follow. It is not the practice of the Town Manager to provide profiles for people who are continuing to serve, or substantial profiles for reappointments.
Maureen Millea is a retired physician who practices general internal medicine in
a variety of settings. For the past twenty years, she served as the medical director of the
student health services at Mount Holyoke College where she had extensive experience in
advocating strong preventive health policies, promoting positive health behaviors, and
oversaw the management of contagious diseases.
Timothy Randhir is a professor at the University of Massachusetts and a
scientist who specializes in environmental sciences and hydrology. His studies have
included watershed management, water quality, ecological economics, complex systems,
dynamic modeling and optimization, spatial analysis and simulation, institutional
economics, climate change, land use policy, international trade and development,
common pool resource management, nonpoint source pollution, and natural resources
policy and management. He has worked in the Connecticut River watershed and
globally in many countries in Africa and Asia.
Stephen George is a long-time member of the Amherst College faculty where he
teaches neurobiology. He has been a member of the Board of Health since 2016.
The Process
The Town Manager reviewed the applications of all who had expressed interest in serving on the Board of Health. He assembled a team to conduct interviews comprised of himself, Health Director Julie Federman, and Residents’ Advisory Committee members Connie Kruger and Jim Pistrang (each serving on one of two interview days). All team members asked questions and contributed to the discussion during the interviews. At the conclusion of the interviews, team members reviewed the candidates and the needs of the Board and agreed on the candidates chosen.
The charge and duties of the Board of Health can be found here.