Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene
Town Manager Paul Bockelman sent his nominations for appointments to the Community Preservation Act Committee (CPA) in an Oct. 15 memo to the Town Clerk.. Those nominations were subsequently approved by the Town Council at its Oct. 21 meeting..
Appointed to at-large positions for three-year terms were Nate Budington and Sam McLeod. Appointed to an atlarge position for a one-year term was Diana Stein. Sarah Eisinger will continue as an at-large member until the end of her term next June 30..
The following members will continue as representatives from other bodies to the CPA Committee, with terms expiring June 30, 2020, unless their sending committees seek to changes designees: : Michael Birtwistle, who serves as the Planning Board’s representative; Fletcher Clark, representing the Conservation Commission; and David Williams, the Housing Authority’s representative. All three were nominated by the Town Manager and approved by a Town Council vote on February 11, 2019.
Nominations from the Historical Commission (currently Robin Fordham) and Leisure Services and Supplemental Education (LSSE) (currently Sarah Marshall) will be forwarded to the Town Council.
The Town Manager provided the following profiles of the new appointments.
Nate Budington has been a member of the CPA Committee since July of 2016. He has been involved in Amherst Baseball in a variety of capacities, and previously served on the LSSE Commission. He currently serves as the CPA Committee’s chair.
Sam McCleod is an Amherst native and lifetime resident.. He holds an MBA and brings over twenty years of experience as a small business owner, and background in human resources, training, and publishing. He is a board member and former vice president of the Amherst Youth Soccer Association.
Diana Stein has been a member of the CPA Committee since July 2015. She was an elected member of the Select Board, and the most recent Charter Commission.
The Community Preservation Act Committee
The CPA Committee studies the needs, possibilities, and resources of the Town regarding community preservation.It makes recommendations to the Town Council annually for the acquisition, creation, and preservation of open space, historic resources, land for recreational use, and community housing. It also advocates for rehabilitation or restoration of open space, historic resources, recreational land and community housing under Community Preservation Act. It has nine voting members. More information about the committee and its work can be found here.