
Venerable ash tree. Photo: Wikimedia.commons.org

Source: amherstma.gov

The presence of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been officially discovered in the Amherst area. A private tree company working in the downtown Amherst area recently discovered evidence of an EAB infestation on private property. Based on the extent of the infestation, it appears that it may have been present for at least 4 years in this area.

The EAB specifically impacts ash trees. The Town of Amherst plans to monitor and treat high value public landscape and shade trees for the EAB as necessary. Treatment will likely take place in the Spring season if indicated.

D-shapded adult exit holes of the emerald ash borer. Photo: wikipedia.

Amherst Tree Warden Alan Snow recommends that people who have ash trees on their property that they suspect are infected by the EAB, consult a certified arborist to discuss management options. Snow also suggests avoiding moving ash firewood or materials from location to location to help slow the spread of EAB.

To learn more about the Emerald Ash Borer in Massachusetts look here  or here.

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