Here’s a short list of some events going on in town during the holiday season.
Saturday December 28 – Tuesday January 1. Valley Kwanza Celebration.
•12/28/2019 Saturday UJIMA
*Muhammad Mosque #13 [727 State St.], 1-8pm
Hosted by AC Consulting and Media services
•12/30/2019 Monday NIA
New Africa House, 2pm
Hosted by New England Co-Chairs of NCOBRA
•12/31/2019 Tuesday KUUMBA
Our Creative Traditions from Junkanoo to Watch Night, 1500 Main St, 2pm
Hosted by PAHMUSA in Tower Square, Springfield MA
•1/1/2020 Wednesday IMANI
Munson Library Auditorium, 4pm
Hosted by Amherst’s Human Rights Commission
Friday, January 3rd, (5-8:30 pm) and Saturday, January 4, (9:00 am to 1:30 pm). Ski and Winter Gear Sale to Benefit the Amherst Historical Society. 2-Day Pop Up Ski Shop with new and used gear, at the Pacific (Masonic) Lodge, located at 99 Main Street, Amherst. Great discounts for the beginner skater to the expert skier, all in adult and youth sizes. Experts will be on hand to help with sizing and selection. All proceeds benefit for the Amherst Historical Society. Questions, email Bonnie at amhersthistory@gmail.com. CONSIGN YOUR GENTLY USED WINTER GEAR-Equipment accepted only on Thursday, January 2, from 5:30-7:30 pm at Pacific Lodge, 99 Main Street, Amherst. Outgrown your skis or winter gear? Bring in your gently used gear to sell on consignment during the 2-Day Pop Up Ski Shop. The seller sets the price and if sold, receives forty percent of the sale price for their used equipment. Donations also accepted. Contact Bonnie at amhersthistory@gmail.com for more details.
Want to have first look at the merchandise? Contact Bonnie about volunteering to help unload the gear on January 2 nd.
Thursday January 9. Community Meeting. Planning a Playground for Kendrick Park. 6-8 pm. Pole Room, Bangs Community Center. 70 Boltwood Walk. The Town of Amherst invites you to come and talk about Planning a Playground for Kendrick Park. The town has received a PARC grant to build a playground so please come and share your ideas for this exciting project! For further information contact: Chris Brestrup, Planning Department, 413-259-3145 or brestrupc@amherstma.gov
January 16-19 and 23-26. Amherst Leisure Services Community Theater Presents Roald Dahl’s Matilda (the musical). Bowker Auditorium. www.alsct.com. 259-3065.