Photo: wikimedia commons
Dear Readers,
We want to call your attention to three new features in the Indy.
It is now easier than ever to comment on an Indy article. Simply go to the bottom of any article and type in a response in the “Leave Reply” box and click the button. Comments will be threaded at the bottom of each article and you can reply to the article itself or to comments in the thread. A list of most recent comments can also be found in the side-bar of any article. (see images below). You no longer need to sign in and you don’t have to be an Indy subscriber to leave a comment. Comments will still be moderated so we can control the high volume of spam that we receive, hence a brief lag between when you post and when your comment appears. Our other previous rules apply. Your comment must be signed with your real name and email address, and we ask that you maintain a civil tone, foregoing personal attacks, invective or profanity.

Social Media Links
We have added logo buttons to make it easier to share your favorite Indy stories on social media. These buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (and a directory for others) will post the article that you are reading to your own Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feed with a single click, and also provide an opportunity to add a comment before you click. Look below or at the bottom of every Indy article to find these logo buttons.
The Indy is Now on Twitter
This week we launch our Indy Twitter account. Our Indy posts will now automatically appear as Twitter posts every Saturday morning. We’re still trying to work out the bugs so please bear with us, wish us good luck, check us out on Twitter at @AmherstIndy, follow us, and encourage others to do so.
Thanks for reading and best wishes,
The Amherst Indy Editorial Collective