Paul Bockelman, Town Manager, continues to seek volunteers to serve on Town Boards and Committees that have or may soon have vacancies including the Board of License Commissioners, CDBG Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission, Cultural Council, Leisure Services and Supplemental Education (LSSE) Commission, Public Shade Tree Committee, Public Art Commission, and Redevelopment Authority.
A current list of vacancies can be found here.
A complete list of all boards and committees can be found here.
Here are brief descriptions of some of the committees with vacancies.
- Board of License Commissioners: was created by the Town Charter to hold the responsibility for issuing and overseeing most licenses – including alcoholic beverages licenses – in the Town.
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee: makes recommendations to the Town Manager regarding the Town’s CDBG program that includes both social service and non-social service community development activities. CDBG funds – $825,000 in FY19 – are awarded to projects, programs, and services that improve the lives of Amherst’s low- and moderate-income residents and/or increase the accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
- Conservation Commission: is a seven-member board appointed by the Town Manager and charged with ensuring the protection of the Town’s natural resources and conservation areas. The Commission is responsible for administering and enforcing both the state Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Amherst Wetlands Protection Bylaw, which involves reviewing and permitting projects within and near wetlands. The Commission also works closely with the Conservation Department on management of conservation land, including over 80 miles of trails, and establishing environmental policy such as updating the Open Space and Recreation Plan.
- Cultural Council: allocates state Arts Lottery funds and works to support and nurture arts activities in the community by seeking private or other public funds and initiatives.
- Leisure Services and Supplemental Education (LSSE) Commission: LSSE is Amherst’s version of a recreation department. The commission assists the LSSE Department by advising on recreational facilities and a variety of leisure and recreational programs and supplemental education classes. The Commission develops policies, rules and regulations governing the operation of the facilities and the delivery of LSSE programs. The Commission also advises on public playgrounds, parks, and athletic facilities.
- Public Art Commission: The Public Art Commission fosters a greater community awareness of the interaction with public art, and through public art, promotes cultural diversity and an improved quality of life for Amherst’s residents.
- Public Shade Tree Committee: preserves, protects, and promotes Town shade trees and works in conjunction with the Tree Warden. The Committee advises the Tree Warden and Town Manager to ensure the values of shade trees are taken into consideration when policies are set. The committee also educates the public about the importance and benefits of Town shade trees and has regular tree planting activities.
- Redevelopment Authority: promotes urban renewal through redevelopment, adaptive reuse and infill development. The goal is to eliminate and redevelop substandard, decadent or blighted open areas for industrial, commercial, business, residential, recreational, educational, hospital or other purposes, with the goals of revitalizing such land uses and encouraging new growth.
The Town Manager seeks residents who have relevant expertise or experience. We are especially seeking individuals of diverse backgrounds to serve on all boards, committees, and commissions.
If you are interested in volunteering to serve, please fill out a Community Activity Form at: . If you have questions, reach out to our Community Participation Officers at