
Amherst Town Seal. Photo:

Town Manager Paul Bockelman prepares a comprehensive report for the Town Council for each of their regular meetings which are typically held twice/month. The report is comprehensive – usually 12-15 pages and provides up-to-date information on what is happening within and across town departments. The Manager’s Report is usually one of the last items on the Council agenda and hence is often taken up late in the evening. Consequently, Bockelman usually only has time to mention a few key highlights from the report and this is usually all that gets entered into the minutes of Council Meetings.

The complete report can always be found in the Town Council Meeting Packet. The full report to the Council for January 27, 2020 can be found here.

Editor’s Note: Here at the Indy, we have found the report to be informative and interesting reading and an important source of information on what is happening in town government. If readers would like to see us continue to point out the reports when they are issued, or if they would like to see us print the entire text, please leave us a comment and let us know.

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3 thoughts on “TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT FOR 1/27/20

  1. I think it would be helpful to cover these reports and especially to post them on the Indy in one place. If residents have to sift through each Town Council meeting to find the Town Managers Report, almost no one will do it. As I write this, it occurs to that the Town Manager Reports also could be posted on the Town website to get more information out to the public more easily.

  2. I usually remember to look at the Council packet but for those who don’t, please continue to provide this link!

  3. I would like to see these posted in the Indy directly. Perhaps adding a few bullets at the top of what is new since the last report as much of it is repeated from week to week.
    I think this item should be much earlier in the Council’s agendas rather than squeezed it in at the end which is often after 11pm when everyone is too fried to ask any questions.

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