
Photo: wikipedia

Amherst’s chapter of the League of Women Voters  recently celebrated its 80th anniversary.  This year also marks the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the national organization, which occurred several months before women were given the right to vote.  

The League of Women Voters of Amherst is partnering with over 300 Leagues nationwide on a “Get out the Census Count” campaign.  Amherst’s League has printed cards in several languages explaining the importance of the census. Members will distribute the cards downtown on the National Day of Action on Friday, February 14.  They will also assist residents in filling out the census form at the Jones Library and the Senior Center. They will do a public service announcement on Amherst Media with State Representative Mindy Domb.

With its ample student and senior citizen populations, Amherst is one of the hardest communities in the state to get an accurate census count.  An undercount would impact negatively on how much state and federal funding the town would receive, so it is vitally important that everyone be counted, whether or not they are citizens.  Census forms will be distributed to all households in mid-March and can be filled out by mail or online. Those who do not return the forms will receive a visit from a census worker who will help them with the form.

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