Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
Effective Monday, March 16, 2020 all Town of Amherst municipal buildings, including the Town Hall, Senior Center, Jones library and branches will be closed to the public, with a tentative reopening date of April 3, 2020. This does not include the Amherst Police Department building.
The Amherst Regional Public Schools will close for two weeks starting on Monday, March 16th, with a tentative return date of Monday, March 30.
The Amherst Transfer Station will also be making changes to their operations starting on March 13, 2020. More details on this can be found here.
Meetings of public bodies, except governing and adjudicatory bodies, will be canceled. Governing bodies include the Town Council, School Committee, and Board of Library Trustees. Adjudicatory bodies include the Board of Health, Planning Board, Local Historic District Commission, Historical Commission, Conservation Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals. All remaining meetings until April 3rd will be conducted remotely. The Town will have technology to allow for remote participation and public comment. Meetings will be recorded or broadcast live where possible. The Indy will post information on how to access these meetings as it becomes available.
Town residents are encouraged to conduct their business online. Please visit the town website to submit a service request or to make payments. Residents can contact the various staff and departments by phone or by email by visiting the staff directory on the Town website. Any payments, forms and documents that need to be submitted to the Town, and cannot be transmitted electronically, can be deposited in the Treasurer/Collector’s drop box on the Main Street side of Town Hall.
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