


Downtown Amherst will be lit with hundreds of blue luminaria on the evening of Friday, May 8, to help share respect, appreciation, admiration, and support for healthcare workers, first responders, emergency service workers, and all the essential workers who are up and running every day. It also honors the sacrifice and commitment of our restaurant workers who have staffed take out and delivery, our teachers who are working online, shop owners who have adapted to virtual or online services, the essential business workers who are often working longer hours with fewer staff—everyone working to keep us healthy, fed, educated, safe, and comforted. The event is scheduled to begin at 8 PM. The organizers encourage drivers and cyclists to safely make their way through the center of town and honk horns (if in cars) or ring bells if on bikes. 

In addition to the luminaria (candles or lights in small translucent paper bags), blue ribbons will be placed around trees and participating businesses will have blue lights in their windows, courtesy of the UMASS Fine Arts Center. 

February 2nd, 2020 was the last time a large public gathering happened in the town center. Other cities and towns have done something to honor workers and their sacrifices and share in an experience that can be safely attended. This is a good way to remember and appreciate our small businesses in downtown and share in their hope for a time when they can open and operate safely once again.

This event has been vetted by town officials and emergency service departments. 

Questions can be directed to: Gabrielle Gould,  Executive Director of the BID at 

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