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Emily Dickinson engages Robert Frost in conversation in a sculpture west of the Evergreens. Photo: Art Keene

Source: The Emily Dickinson Museum

The Emily Dickinson Poetry Walk will be held virtually this year to honor the 134th anniversary of the poet’s death. This annual event is a beloved tradition with readings of her poetry at historic sites around Amherst. To pay homage to Dickinson’s role in inspiring a new generation of writers, participants will also be sharing original poems and thoughts written as part of “The World Writes Back: Postcards to Emily Dickinson.”

During this Zoom event viewers will see historical and contemporary images of each “stop” on the walk, and images of postcards. This is a participatory event! Those who wish to read should indicate so on their event registration form. Reading assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. The final “stop” is Dickinson’s grave in West Cemetery where museum staff will offer final thoughts and a light-hearted virtual toast! Those who wish to do so, may submit a brief toast or remarks to the host to be shared at the conclusion of the “walk.”

Register by May 14 at noon to receive the Zoom link! https://www.emilydickinsonmuseum.org/emily-dickinson-poetry-walk-may-17-2020/ 

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