Amherst Mill River Recreation Area Pool. Photo: amherstma.gov
Source: amherstms.gov
The Town will be opening pools and recreational areas this summer, but with precautions to minimize the likelihood of spread of COVID-19. The town is urging a community effort to behave responsibly to ensure this will be a safe summer.
Town Pools
The Department of Public Works has been working to ready town pools for use this summer. The goal is to open both Mill River and War Memorial Pools by June 27th. Hours will be limited. LSSE has developed plans to safely manage these facilities and users will be required to follow specific safety protocols. For instance, those using the pools will need to arrive in their bathing suits, as changing spaces will not be open. Bathhouses at Mill River and War Memorial will be for bathroom use only. Physical distancing on the pool deck will also be required.
Resource: https://www.mass.gov/doc/safety-standards-for-public-and-semi-public-swimming-pools/download
Puffer’s Pond
Conservation staff, supported by other Town departments, will open the main beach at Puffer’s Pond. The North Beach area will be closed. To achieve physical distancing on the beach, the number of parties/individuals allowed on the beach at one time will be limited. Attendants will be present to provide guidance and monitor usage. Watch for an announcement on the Town’s web site with more details. Trails around the Pond will remain open.
Resource: https://www.mass.gov/doc/safety-standards-for-coastal-and-inland-beaches-phase-ii/download
Given COVID-19 related concerns and the complexity of keeping campers and staff safe as defined by the Governor’s guidelines, LSSE’s municipal day camps in Amherst will not be operating this summer. Instead, LSSE staff will focus on operating the Mill River and War Memorial pools.
Resource: https://eeclead.force.com/resource/1591618751000/Min_Req
Playgrounds are open. Residents using these structures should wash hands frequently and follow physical distancing protocols of wearing masks and/or maintaining six foot distance from non-household members. The Town will not be sanitizing equipment and surfaces between uses.
New Spray Park and Playground at Groff Park
The renovation of Groff Park is nearing completion with an anticipated opening in mid- to late-July. Please see the web site for updates and current information about an official opening date.
Recreation Fields and Team Sports
The Town’s recreation fields remain closed to organized team play but the town anticipates that they will open for limited use soon. For now, groups of 10 or fewer may use the fields but no scrimmages or games are authorized until the Town receives more guidance from the State. All summer sports programs including Adult Softball are cancelled. LSSE will be looking at offering various sports clinics during the summer that are held outside and limited to 8 children at a time.
Cherry Hill Golf Course
Cherry Hill Golf Course opened after the Governor gave permission for golf courses to open. Full-time staff have been assigned to the golf course (no part-time staff will be hired this year.) The Governor’s order has strict rules of how golf courses may operate.
Independence Day Fireworks And Celebration Are Canceled
Please observe this important holiday safely.