Photo: Facebook
Source: Amherst Business Improvement District and Amherst Leisure Services
Phase 2 is split into two steps. Step 1 started June 8 and Step 2 will begin at a later date based on improving public health data. In Step 2, indoor dining and close contact personal services will be allowed to reopen.
Phase 2/Step 1 allows for opening of:
Retail (with occupancy limits)
Childcare facilities and day camps (with detailed guidance)
Restaurants (outdoor table service only)
Hotels and other lodgings (no events, functions or meetings)
Warehouses and distribution centers
Personal services without close physical contact, such as home cleaning, photography, window washing, career coaching and education tutoring
Post-secondary, higher education, vocational-tech and occupation schools for the purpose of completing graduation requirements
Youth and adult amateur sports (with detailed guidance)
Outdoor recreation facilities
Professional sports practices (no games or public admissions)
Non-athletic youth instructional classes in arts, education or life skills (so long as they are conducted in groups of less than 10)
Driving and flight schools
Outdoor historical spaces (no functions, gatherings or guided tours)
Funeral homes (with occupancy limits)
Town Camps Will Not Open
Amherst Leisure Services has announced that they are unable to offer their traditional day camps this summer. They plan to make some announcements regarding other remote programming soon. They will be issuing full refunds over the next week, for those who have registered for LSSE sponsored camps. Questions can be directed here
Safety standards and conditions for Phase 2 reopening of businesses can be found here
Safety Standards and conditions for Phase 2 reopening of restaurants can be found here.
What about the Easthampton RMV offices, or similar “COVID-closed” public facilities?