
UMass Amherst. Photo:

By Maura Keene and Art Keene

In a letter to Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy dated July 10, 2020, Town Manager Paul Bockelman voiced his concerns about the plans for UMass reopening in the fall and the effect of those plans on the Town of Amherst as a whole.

Bockelman noted that Amherst is one of the safest communities in Massachusetts in terms of the prevalence of COVID-19 cases, and he expressed his desire that it remain so. He said that the University’s plan to invite thousands of students back to live in dormitories and off-campus could endanger the Amherst community.  In particular, he is concerned that those students living on campus and those living off campus will be treated differently, with those on campus having to sign a safe conduct agreement and being subject to regular coronavirus testing. Bockelman worried that without proper adherence to safe behavior by all, the Town’s economy can be negatively impacted and the regional healthcare systems can easily be overwhelmed.

Bockelman stressed that this is not a “town vs. gown” issue, but one of safety for all. The University and its students are valued members of the community, but some of the decisions made in the plans for the fall have the potential to result in a surge in COVID-19. Bockelman urged the University to work with Town safety officials to formulate a safer plan.  His suggestions are:

  • Treat all students the same, whether they live on or off campus, requiring all to sign the UMASS COVID-19 safety agreement and to register their current domicile.
  • Enforce the UMASS agreement for all students, including suspension or expulsion if unsafe behaviors are exhibited
  • Providing testing, intervention, follow-up and support to all students
  • Work cooperatively to keep the community informed and manage the crisis

Bockelman hopes a working group will be formed with both community and university public health and safety officers to coordinate response to the expected increase in coronavirus disease in Amherst with the return of college students.

The entire Town Manager’s Letter can be read here.

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