The Town of Amherst and the Amherst Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund announce the availability of short‐term emergency rental assistance available for Amherst renters experiencing a loss or reduction of income due to COVID‐19. Rental assistance is available for up to 3 months.
The Amherst Municipal Affordable Housing Trust has allocated $250,000 towards an emergency rental assistance program for qualified Amherst residents impacted by COVID-19. The program will be administered by Community Action Pioneer Valley and will provide a range of rental subsidies depending on unit size. For households earning 80% or less of the area median income ($47,850 for a one-person household to $68,300 for a four-person household), these subsidies provide up to $650 per month for a one bedroom apartment and up to $1100 per month for a three bedroom apartment. Proof of Amherst residency and income must be provided.
Eligible Households
Must be renters living in Amherst
Must have a documented loss or reduction of income due to COVID‐19
Must have insufficient income and/or assets to cover the rent for a 3‐month period. Households do not have to be currently behind in their rent or have a late notice.
Household annual gross income may not exceed 80% Area Median Income.
House hold Size | 1 person | 2 person | 3 person | 4 person | 5 person | 6 person |
Income Limit | $47,850 | $54,650 | $61,500 | $68,300 | $73,800 | $79,250 |
Households will be selected by lottery. Preference will be given for families with children under the age of 18.
Households cannot be currently living in state or federal subsidized public housing; and cannot be a participant in a local, state or federal rental assistance program e.g. Section 8, MRVP or RAFT (with the exception of RAFT utility support). Households cannot be entirely comprised of full‐time college students (some exceptions apply).
For more information and to apply online, visit Community Action Pioneer Valley’s website at
On‐line applicants will be contacted via email and sent a secure link to upload verification documents to complete the application.
For questions, or to obtain a paper application, please contact Community Action Pioneer Valley at 413‐475‐1570.
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