Truth School Announces Fall Lineup Of 45 Free Classes

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Truth School course, Restorative Practices Based on Indigenous Values, led by Strong Oak. The course ran in September of 2019 at the Second Congregational Church, UCC in Greenfield. Photo: Cate Woolner

The Soujourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership has announced that registration is now open for fall classes. Classes are free and while they have in the past been taught at venues throughout the Valley, this fall they will be taught exclusively on Zoom in deference to the pandemic. All classes are taught by people of color or teams that include people of color. Most classes are one session and some are multisession.

The Truth School offers classes with the goal of promoting and facilitating the skills required to build a movement. The School teaches the organizing skills necessary to equip people—young, middle years, and old—to be active, effective, and empowered to make change. The School is committed to:

  • Amplifying the leadership of Black, Indigenous people, and people of color; they lead all Truth School classes or offer them in bi/multi-racial/cultural teams
  • Approaching movement-building skills from a horizontal and vertical lens (breadth and depth) and creating course catalogs which reflect this range
  • Relationship-building as the heart of movement-building; this informs the style of our classes and our relationships with site partners, hosts, trainers, and volunteers
  • Connecting people across counties, economic standing, racial identity, physical and mental ability and gender expression

The 45 classes will include six anti-racism trainings and guidance spread out from September to December that include dismantling racism workshops, a class on raising anti-bias children, an Ethical Upstander training offered by the folks from Human In Common, and more.  

The “All Zoom, All Fall” plan is just for this Fall 2020.  Throughout the fall, The Truth School will be assessing what is happening with the pandemic, the status of a vaccine, and whether we will return to in-person classes in 2021. 

The course catalog can be found here.
More information about the Truth School can be found here.

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