UMass, Amherst and Hampshire Colleges Post Promising COVID-19 Numbers

UMass, Amherst College, and Hampshire College have thus far managed to avoid the outbreaks of COVID-19 that have been common to reopening at most of the nation’s college campuses.
As of Friday, September 18, the UMass COVID-19 Dashboard has listed 17 positive cases of COVID-19 at UMass. UMass has now conducted 41,716 tests. Free testing is now available for enrolled students living both on and off campus.
The Amherst College COVID-19 Dashboard reports that to date, one member of the faculty and two students have tested positive out of 19, 395 tests conducted.
Hampshire College reported as of Monday (9/14) that they have yet to record a single case of COVID-19 among students.
More than 88,000 cases of COVID-19 have been identified at the nation’s 1,190 colleges and universities. The New York Times provides a daily tracker of these cases.
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