Mass Hockey Rinks Closed for At Least Two Weeks

Mullins Center UMass

Mullins Center Ice Rink. Photo:

UMass and Amherst College Hockey Teams Exempt

All indoor ice rinks and ice skating facilities in Massachusetts have been ordered closed for the next two weeks due to rising COVID-19 cases, according to an October 22 announcement by Acting Commissioner of Public Health Margaret Cooke. Activities of professional and collegiate teams are exempt from this order.

According to Cooke, there have been at least 30 clusters of COVID-19 associated with ice hockey in the Commonwealth. Each of these clusters has at least two confirmed or probable cases for a total of 108 cases and more than 225 confirmed contacts. 

Clusters of COVID-19 infections associated with ice hockey have been reported in other states as well. In New Hampshire the Governor closed hockey and skating facilities following an outbreak of 158 cases among 23 hockey teams. The order is set to expire on November 7 but may be extended if necessary. Health officials say this two-week pause will allow stronger COVID-19 protocols to be developed to further protect players, families, coaches, arena staff, and other participants, as well as communities surrounding hockey rinks. 

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