Town Completes Construction of Mutli-use Paths On East Hadley Road


Pedestrian crosswalk on recently completed multi-use path on East Hadley Road. Photo:


The Town of Amherst Public Works Team and Taylor Davis Landscaping recently completed the construction of East Hadley Road Multi-Use path project (phase 1 &2). The project focused on the intent of the Town of Amherst Complete Streets Policy by providing an integrated, multi modal transportation network that contributes directly to the safety, health, economic vitality and quality of life for all residents. Various design layout alternatives were explored in an effort to minimize impacts to resource areas within the project site adjacent to the Fort River. 

The final design resulted in improvements through additional stormwater treatment and infiltration, elimination of existing stormwater discharge points to the Fort River, and general clean up and debris removal along edge of the Fort River and East Hadley Road. The project consisted of the roadway widening on East Hadley Road to accommodate three new bus pull offs, east and west bound bicycle lanes, and the replacement the existing 5’ wide sidewalk with a 6-10 ft. wide paved ADA accessible multi-use path.

The completed work extends from the West Street intersection to the Amherst Hadley Town Line. Final roadway paving and line striping improvements will be completed at a later date.

Multi-use path recently completed on East Hadley Road. Looking east from East Hadley Road toward Route 116 (West Street). Photo:
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