Letter: UMass Tech/Maintenance Workers Must Be Rehired To Ensure Safety Of All Campus Employees

UMass Flckr.com

Central Residential Area at UMass Amherst. Photo: Flckr.com

We have asked in good faith for transparency regarding campus safety and have received only general information that has yet to inspire confidence that UMass Amherst is safe for the community. Despite the fact that UMass Amherst Unions have collectively requested specific information regarding ventilation data for every building on campus, the University has not provided any specific information or details about steps taken to make the campus safer for in- person work and attendance. 

Additionally, members of the RA/PM Health and Safety Committee were informed by University Environmental Health and Safety officials that the University does not plan to conduct any testing of air changes per hour (ACH) in order to determine how safe the Residential Halls are. Without this testing of air quality, the University is blatantly disregarding guidelines set forth by the Harvard School of Public Health, and failing in its commitment to keep the UMass campus and community safe. 

We ask that the maintainers and maintenance techs who UMass has furloughed be recalled to make the reopening of campus and campus life in the spring semester safe for all. The circumstances of the pandemic require full employment of the workers who make UMass function, such that facilities can be appropriately maintained and air quality properly monitored. 

American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME),
UMass Amherst Graduate Employee Organization (GEO), UMass Amherst
Massachusetts Society of Professors (MSP), UMass Amherst
Professional Staff Union (PSU), UMass Amherst
University Staff Association (USA), UMass Amherst
Resident Assistant and Peer Mentor Union (RAPMU), UMass Amherst
Postdoctoral Researchers Organizing (PRO), UMass Amherst 

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