Letter: Jones Library Presentation Leaves Questions Unanswered


Strong House/Amherst History Museum (approx 1744), adjacent to the Jones Library. Photo: Art Keene

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to the Amherst Town Council on 2/24/21

I appreciated the opportunity to hear the presentation on plans to expand the Jones Library at Monday’s meeting. Thank you to those Councilors who asked questions to help get clarification about the plans. I have some serious concerns about the project and I think even those who are tending to support this out-sized expansion should ask for and get answers to these questions before making a decision:

1) What would be the cost and timeline for an equally developed architectural plan to repair, update and reconfigure library space within the existing footprint? 

2) What will be the real impact of an expansion and the construction activities on the adjacent buildings and trees that are in close proximity?

3) How will library services be provided during construction and closure of the building? And how will traffic be disrupted and re-routed? What are the plans?

4) What plans are being made for additional parking that will be needed for expanded use of the building?

Kay Lisseck

Kay Lisseck is a resident of Amherst.

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