Photo Of The Week Gallery: The Wellness Labyrinth At UMass By Madeline Charney And Hills3 Studio.

UMass Wellness Labyrinth. Photo: Hills3 Studio
Text by Madeleine Charney
Photos by hills3 Studio (on Instagram as (@hills3studio)
Labyrinths have existed for thousands of years on every continent (except Antartica). Used for self-reflection, stress reduction, prayer, connecting with nature and more, COVID times see labyrinth sales up 300% . UMass installed a temporary labyrinth on the Goodell lawn for Wellness Wednesdays, adding to the momentum for the permanent labyrinth installation in the works. The temporary labyrinth was assembled last Wednesday (4/14) and will remain in place through April 22. A multi-disciplinary learning tool, the labyrinth can be integrated into courses on neuroscience, public health, history, landscape architecture more. Learn more by watching Learning with the Labyrinth with Madeleine Charney, a research services librarian at UMass Amherst. You can find a labyrinth near you using the World Wide Labyrinth Locator.
Our feature, Photo of the Week, presents each week, a new picture by a local photographer. We invite local photographers to share their photographs here. Please include a description/caption and an indication of who is to be credited.

Stunning…and fun! Thank you for this.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. Looking forward to reporting on the construction of the permanent labyrinth at UMass.