Town Manager Seeks Volunteers To Serve On Town Boards and Committees

The Town Manager seeks residents who have relevant expertise or experience to fill vacancies on Town boards and committees. The Town is especially seeking individuals of diverse backgrounds to serve on all boards, committees, and commissions.
The Town has over 30 boards and committees that support the work of town government and each has multiple residents who are members. Terms of service are typically three years, some may be shorter. Members typically serve for two terms. Members with terms expiring who have served one term may be seeking reappointment.
Boards and Committees that have or may have vacancies include the Agricultural Commission, Affordable Housing Trust, Cultural Council, Board of Assessors, Board of Health, CDBG Advisory Committee, Community Preservation Act Committee, Conservation Commission, Council on Aging, Design Review Board, Disability Access Advisory Committee, Energy and Climate Action Committee, Historical Commission, Human Rights Commission, Local Historic District Commission, Munson Memorial Building Trustees, Personnel Board, Public Art Commission, Public Shade Tree Committee, Recreation Commission, Registrar of Voters, Residents’ Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee, and Water Supply Protection Committee.
A complete list of all boards and committees can be found here.
Those interested in volunteering to serve should fill out a Community Activity Form (CAF) here.
Questions can be directed to the Town’s Community Participation Officers at