What’s Happening In Amherst?

Photo:flckr.com. Creative Commons
There is a lot happening in Amherst this spring – much of it still virtual. We’re relaunching this feature after a year plus hiatus and we’ll do our best to keep you posted on happenings around town and on the web.
SATURDAY April 17- SATURDAY November 20. Amherst Farmers Market every Saturday from 7:30 a.m – 1:30 p.m, rain or shine through November 20. The market will continue with COVID protocols initiated last summer with vendors spread across the wide space of the Town Common. Face coverings are required and customers will travel in one direction past the stalls with plenty of space for social distancing. Read more here.
SUNDAY May 9. UMass Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Tributes .2PM via YouTube. Catherine Jensen-Hole, director
Music by Fred Tillis, Billy Taylor & others More=>
WEDNESDAY, May 12. UMass Jazz Ensemble. 7:30PM via YouTube. Music by Don Grolnick, Billy Taylor, Sammy Nestico, Andrew Wilcox (G ’22) & others More=>
THURSDAY MAY 13. How Well Is Massachusetts Responding To The Climate Crisis? The League of Women Voters Amherst invites the public to join them on Thursday, May 13 at 7 p.m. for a seminar, “Climate Change In The State House.” The seminar is free and open to the public, and will be conducted via Zoom. Registration is required (register here). Leading the seminar will be Launa Zimmaro from the LWVMA Legislative Action Committee, who will provide an overview of important climate-related efforts underway in Massachusetts.
THURSDAY May 13. Amherst Democratic Town Committee – General Meeting. 7:30 p.m – 9:00 p.m. Meeting on Zoom. Sign up for mailing or register for Zoom link at http://eepurl.com/gZ6SBT. This is our bi-monthly general meeting. Each meeting we have a guest speaker and then conduct committee business. May 2021’s speaker is State Representative Mindy Domb. Join us!
SATURDAY May 15. Growing Community Fair. A Community Abolitionist Event. 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Amherst Common. Join members of Defund 413 Amherst and Northampton Abolition Now for a family friendly community visioning and radical story time! We will have interactive art, coloring books, crayons, storytelling and a visit from Abolitionist Gizmo. Bring your littles, bring your neighbors! Bring your visions of a better Amherst and your questions about getting involved. Let’s grow our community! We will mark out socially distanced spots for sitting and Please wear your mask! Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/488085822506387/
SATURDAY May 15. Tasso at Ferrara: Virtual Concert by World-Renowned Vocal Ensemble La Compagnia del Madrigale. Musical Settings of the Poetry of Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). 2 p.m. Online via YouTube. Highlighting composers from Ferrara, Italy, whose music has been made available through the Tasso in Music Project.