Zoning Board Of Appeals Approves Three Special Permits


Report On The Meeting Of The Zoning Board Of Appeals, June 10, 2021

The meeting was held via Zoom and was recorded.

Members: Full members Steven Judge (Chair), Tammy Parks, and Dillon Maxfield,; and associate members Robert Greeney, who replaced Maxfield, an abutter to the project at 300 North Pleasant Street), Craig Meadows, and Sharon Waldman
Staff: Maureen Pollock (Planner) and Rob Morra (Zoning Enforcement Office/Building Commissioner)

The Board approved three Special Permits with conditions, with little discussion or questioning and no comments from the public. The standardized conditions and findings had been compiled by Planning Department staff and approved by the Board.

Henry E. Whitlock (1120 South East Street) 
Received a Special Permit in order to allow the pre-existing, non-conforming one family detached dwelling to be structurally altered and expanded into the required side yard setback by about 18 feet, adding ± 180 square feet to the proposed connecting storage space colnverting it  into a habitable space. The Board determined that the modification was no more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing structure because the setback of the new construction is 8 feet less non-conforming than the original house.

Joel Greenbaum (300 North Pleasant Street)
Received a Special Permit in order to allow a change of use from a pre-existing, non-conforming use (veterinary establishment) to a residential use (one-family detached dwelling) on a pre-existing non-conforming lot, as a complementary Principal Use to the existing one-family detached dwelling. Robert Greeney wondered if the 13-foot driveway is adequate for the eight parking spaces planned. Rob Morra replied that the bylaw requires that driveways be at least 10 feet wide but usually asks that they be wider in order to accommodate an ambulance (10.5 feet wide, hub cap to hub cap). The standard width for a driveway is 12 feet. Two bollards will be placed — one at the east and one at the west corners — of the house to prevent vehicular damage to the structure.

John Kuhn (Wildwood Cemetery, 70 Strong Street) 
Received a Special Permit in order to allow the construction of a 36 x 64-foot maintenance garage and installation of two signs at each entrance to the cemetery where none exist now. The carved gold lettering on green background was higher than allowed by the Zoning Bylaw to preserve sight-lines for drivers along Strong Street. The Board suggested that the petitioner make up a mock-up to see if a lower sign is possible.

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