Amherst Residents Declare Intentions To Run For Town Office


Photo: Creative Commons.

Source: Amherst Town Clerk’s Office

Amherst residents who, as of August 27, have taken out nomination papers indicating their intention to run for office are listed below in alphabetical order.

Candidates must collect signatures and submit them to the town clerk by September 14. Fifty signatures (25 for district councilor seats) must be verified by the clerk to be eligible to be on the ballot. Those marked with an asterisk (*) have taken out papers for both district and at-large council seats, and must withdraw from one of those positions before the election.

In addition, there will be a referendum on whether to affirm the borrowing for the $35,000,000 Jones Library building project.

Councilor At-Large (Town wide) 3 Seats Available

Vira Douangmany-Cage
Robert Greeney*
Lynn Griesemer*                                                                                           Incumbent
Mandi Jo Hanneke                                                                                        Incumbent
Irv Rhodes*
Andy Steinberg                                                                                             Incumbent
Ellisha Walker*

District 1 Councilor (Precincts 1 & 3) 2 Seats Available

Michelle Miller
Cathy Schoen                                                                                              Incumbent

District 2 Councilor (Precincts 2 & 6) 2 Seats Available

Pat DeAngelis                                                                                              Incumbent
Lynn Griesemer*                                                                                          Incumbent

District 3 Councilor (Precincts 4 & 10) 2 Seats Available

Robert Greeney*        
Dorothy Pam                                                                                               Incumbent
George Ryan                                                                                               Incumbent
Jennifer Taub

District 4 Councilor (Precincts 5 & 9) 2 Seats Available

Anika Lopes
Pam Rooney
Evan Ross                                                                                                    Incumbent

District 5 Councilor (Precincts 7 & 8) 2 Seats Available

Shalini Bahl-Milne                                                                                        Incumbent
Ana Devlin Gauthier
Ellisha Walker*   

Housing Authority            (Town wide)                                               3 Seats Available

David Williams                                                                                             Incumbent

Elector, Oliver Smith Will (Town wide) 1 Seat Available

Carol Gray                                                                                                   Incumbent
Sarah Marshall

School Committee (Town wide) 5 Seats Available

Peter Demling                                                                                              Incumbent
Ben Herrington                                                                                             Incumbent
Heather Lord                                                                                                Incumbent
Allison McDonald                                                                                         Incumbent
Irvin Rhodes*

Library Trustees (Townwide) 6 Seats Available

Farah Ameen
Lee Edwards                                                                                               Incumbent
Tamson Ely                                                                                                  Incumbent
Alex Lefebvre                                                                                               Incumbent
Robert Pam                                                                                                  Incumbent
Austin Sarat                                                                                                 Incumbent
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3 thoughts on “Amherst Residents Declare Intentions To Run For Town Office

  1. If my math is correct, (as at August 27) there are 31 candidates for 28 seats up for election this fall, four of whom took out papers for more than one seat and will have to choose which one to run for.
    School Committee is uncontested.
    Library Trustees is uncontested.
    Council Districts 1 and 2 and possibly 5 are uncontested (depending on whether Ellisha Walker decides to run at large or in District 5).
    Since candidates cannot run for two offices, it could be that four of the seven candidates for the three At-Large council seats (Bob Greeney, Lynn G, Irv Rhodes, Ellisha Walker) choose not to run At-Large, meaning those three seats would be uncontested too.
    For the Council seats, I think that works out to be either 31% (4 seats) or 46% (6) or 69% (9) are uncontested.
    I count ten new candidates and 18 incumbents across the 28 seats.
    In Councils in Massachusetts, I believe 91% of incumbents get re-elected (presumably many in uncontested races).

  2. Benjamin Disraeli’s quip (about lying with statistics) notwithstanding, Toni Cunningham’s statistics reveal a stark truth: unless more Amherst residents agree to stand for office (and collect enough signatures to qualify for the ballot – as we learned this summer, better get a lot more than the minimum), the promise of the (now not so) new charter bringing us a “more democratic Amherst” appears to be running on… running on empty… running blind….

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