Letter: Rejoice In Our Ability To Criticize Government

Photo: Jernej Furman / Flckr.com. Creative Commons
Leave our town councilors alone, shut up and vote. That seems to be the mantra of several opinion pieces and letters I’ve seen in the Bulletin over the past year, including guest columnist Jon McCabe’s piece in the August 27 edition (“Yes to minority rights but no to minority rule”).
How odd to hear people, many of whom railed against the Town Meeting form of government, now whining that people have negative feelings about the new form of government, even disparaging a coming referendum, a form of democracy written into the very same charter that created the new government.
Let us instead rejoice that we live in a country where one can criticize its government, and its workings.
Gerry Weiss
Gerry Weiss, a psychotherapist, was a member of the Amherst Select Board from 2004 to 2010 and a member of Town Meeting for 19 years.