Town Council Seeks Applicants To Fill Vacancies On Finance Committee And Zoning Board Of Appeals

Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
The Town Council is currently seeking applications to fill a vacancy for one non-voting resident member of the Finance Committee. The Council also will be filling one vacancy and one impending vacancy for associate members on the Zoning Board of Appeals, each for a term to end June 30, 2022.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Town Council that advises the Council on all financial matters. It consists of five councilors as voting members and three non-voting residents. Selection of resident members is based on relevant experience, skills, and policy knowledge, with an emphasis on municipal and public finance. For more information on the Finance Committee look here. Residents interested in serving on the Finance Committee shouldfill out a Community Activity Form (CAF) which can be found here. Those who have submitted a CAF expressing interest in serving on the Finance Committee within the past three years do not need to submit another. They will be contacted regarding their prior submission to confirm their continued interest.
Questions can be directed to Town Councilor George Ryan, Chair of the Town Council Committee on Governance, Organization, and Legislation (GOL), at
Zoning Board Of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a quasi-judicial body that operates under the authority of Chapter 40A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Amherst. The ZBA holds public hearings and acts on applications for Special Permits, Variances, appeals of actions of the Building Commissioner, and Comprehensive Permits. Most ZBA hearings are for Special Permit applications for residential or business uses not allowed by right.
The Town Council is currently accepting applications from Amherst residents interested in serving on the ZBA as Associate Members. Associate members sit for hearings in cases of absence, inability to act, or apparent conflict of interest on the part of regular members of the board or in the event of a vacancy. Applicants should have experience with aspects of planning, development, design, architecture, construction, zoning, and/or real estate. The Town Council is especially seeking individuals of diverse backgrounds, including those who have no prior municipal government experience.
For more information on the ZBA look here and here.
Residents interested in serving on the ZBA shouldfill out a Community Activity Form (CAF) which can be found here. Those who have submitted a CAF expressing interest in serving on the Finance Committee within the past three years do not need to submit another. They will be contacted regarding their prior submission to confirm their continued interest.
Questions can be directed to Town Councilor Mandi Jo Hanneke, Chair of the Community Resources Committee of the Town Council, at or our Town Community Participation Officers at