Town’s New Community Safety & Social Justice Committee Seeks Members (CC BY 2.0)
The Town Manager seeks members to serve on a new Community Safety and Social Justice Committee (CSSJC). The Committee will work to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and community safety in Amherst. The committee has been proposed as a successor group to the Community Safety Working Group, (CSWG) the charge of which will expire on November 1, 2021.The new committee will have seven voting members. Two of the initial appointments will have been members of the CSWG. No fewer than five of the seven voting members will represent Black, Indigenous, People of Color, or other historically marginalized communities. Appointments will strive to represent a broad range of the Town’s socio-economic diversity. To that end, financial stipends (to be determined) will be provided to support the work of Committee members.
The Committee will incorporate and continue the work of the CSWG. Included in its charge will be support for the work of the soon-to-be-formed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department; support of the Community Responders for Equity, Safety, and Service program (CRESS) and working to address the needs of BIPOC and other marginalized groups including the disabled, immigrants, and LGBTQIA.
Those interested in volunteering to serve, should fill out a Community Activity Form which can be found here.
Questions can be directed to the town Community Participation Officers at or by phone at (413) 259-3002
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