voting bangs center

Early voting at the Bangs Center on Tuesday October 20., 2020. Photo: Janet Keller


Town Clerk Sue Audette has issued the following FAQ concerning the November town elections.

All special election laws in response to Covid-19 allowing for early voting and no-excuse vote by mail expired on June 30, 2021.

Election 2021 FAQ’s

How can I vote in the November 2, 2021 Town Election? 

  • In person on election day at your polling location, or
  • By absentee ballot (the deadline to apply is October 27th by 5 pm if requesting ballot be mailed, and 12:00 noon the day before the election if voting absentee in person at the Town Clerk’s office), or
  • By early mail-in ballot, or
  • By early voting in person.

What is the difference between mail-in ballots and absentee ballots?

  • Mail-in ballots are allowed without an excuse in order to apply.  
  • Absentee ballots require eligibility in order to apply.

Will there be early voting? 

  • Yes, there will be early voting from October 25-29th at Town Hall. More information will be posted online closer to the election.

Will there be a preliminary election? 

  • No, per Town Charter, Section 10.7 (d), a preliminary election was allowed for the initial election of the Council only.

Will ranked choice voting be used for the 2021 town election?

  • No, legislation is still pending allowing for the use of ranked choice voting for town elections.

What is the last day to register to vote?

  • 20 days before the election, or October 13th by 8:00 pm. 

Check your voter status here

Where can I access the Candidate Statements?

Questions? Contact the Town Clerk’s Office at or by phone at (413) 259-3035

Click here for a PDF of the Election 2021 FAQ’s

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3 thoughts on “Election FAQ 2021

  1. Update posted on:
    This link includes a Vote by Mail Application that can be downloaded.

    Quoting from the site:
    “Under a state law passed in July 2021, voting by mail will be allowed in all local and state elections through December 15, 2021. You do not need to have an excuse to cast an early ballot by mail. To apply to vote by mail, complete the Vote by Mail Application and submit it to your local election office.”
    Applying for a Ballot: “Early Vote by Mail ballots must be requested in writing at least 4 business days before Election Day. Applications are available for download below, but any written request is acceptable if it has your signature on it……Applications can be submitted by mail, email, or fax. If you are emailing your application, you may either scan or take a photo of your signed application and email it to your local election office, or you may sign your application using a mouse, finger, or stylus and email the completed and signed attachment. Typed signatures are not acceptable.”

  2. Somewhat astray from this commentary, but please note two upcoming election related events:

    TOMORROW! , Oct. 10, 2 PM and 3 PM: The League of Women Voter of Amherst hosts its 2nd forum this month, featuring District 3 and 4 candidates. Link available at No registration is necessary. Your questions are invited, either at or during each forum hour.

    Wednesday, Oct. 13, 6 PM: Special meeting scheduled by District 5 Counselors, Shalini Bahl-Milne and Darcy Dumont to discuss, present and analyze the work of the Districting Advisory Committee (DAB) and the proposed maps to be presented to the TC later this month. Join us, be informed, speak out and assert your voice for the next decade as the changing districing and precinct lines will determine our geographic and electoral configurations for the next decade.

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