Letter: I Plan To Vote No On The Library Project

W.E.B. Du Bois Library at UMass Amherst. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
I’m an educator who loves books, and really loves to read at home, at work and even when on the treadmill in the gym … did I mention I always carry a book when travelling? However, I decided to vote No to this project … It’s too expensive, almost not needed at all, and I believe it would benefit mostly the developers/contractors!We already have three libraries including the main one, and in addition, we have giant libraries of the two colleges and UMASS the (proudly, still the tallest library in the world). Have we explored alternative projects? I would love to see Amherst focus more on the brilliant idea of sidewalk mini libraries that will cost taxpayers nothing. There are less than 5 mini libraries in Amherst on the list of the 75,000 ones nation-wide. Poor record, right?
Enough with adding more taxes every year. We Do Not Need this Project, period.
Mohammed Ibrahim
Mohammed Ibrahim is a resident of District 5 and an Adjunct Professor of Social Work at Springfield College