Letter: I Support Candidates Who Are Reasonable, Fair, Curious, Strategic, And Open

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I support the following candidates:
Cathy Schoen (District 1)
Dorothy Pam (District 3)
Jennifer Taub (District 3)
Pam Rooney (District 4)
and possibly others who reject group-think and “ready … fire … aim” political expediency.
I support an Amherst town government that is of-by-for the people.
We are the town where only the “h” is silent, now suffering from a town government that is shoving its way towards a chaotic mess of zoning bylaw changes, ignoring a petition by 1,000 Amherst community members, with a super-majority complying with the charge of developers owned by a hedge fund in the Midwest!
It’s time to shake off your apathy and ennui and vote for a town council that will consider our priorities, our town character, our need for balance and diversity, and also fair and democratic process. At least vote!!! And that means bullet vote — do NOT vote for people who you don’t support, just because they are unopposed. That creates their perception that they have a mandate to disregard public input, in between elections (they call that representative government).
Vote on November 2nd!! Or at least vote absentee — apply in town hall, asap, to get your absentee ballot.
As you know, competition is good for democracy. A super-majority of councilors who take their marching orders from a political action committee powered by un-strategic development is not cooperative, collaborative, innovative, thought provoked, and caring of what you have to say, if you disagree with where Amherst is heading.
This is the place once considered the “Best College Town in America.” If we turn our town into a giant dormitory (or “student slum” as some councilors acknowledge), it ceases to be a town that will attract a healthy mix of families, professionals, creatives, retirees, and students, including students sticking around and starting families and businesses.
In conclusion: please vote for candidates who will collaborate and innovate, not just rubber stamp.
Ira Bryck
Ira Bryck has lived in Amherst since 1993, ran the Family Business Center for 25 years, hosted the “Western Mass. Business Show” on WHMP for seven years, now coaches business leaders, and is a big fan of Amherst’s downtown.