Prescription Drug Take Back Collection Day This Saturday


Photo: Creative Commons

Source: and Office of the Northwest District Attorney

More than two dozen communities in Hampshire and Franklin counties will participate in the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day set for Saturday, October 23. Amherst’s collection point will be at Wildwood School, 71 Strong Avenue from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Medicines can remain in original containers with labels. NO liquids, syringes, IV equipment, or chemotherapy drugs. Prescription and nonprescription drugs, vitamins, and veterinary meds are accepted. The event is free.

The Northwestern District Attorney’s Office teams up with the Hampshire and Franklin Sheriff’s offices, the county-based TRIAD initiatives, local police departments, and the national Drug Enforcement Agency to host the event, which invites residents to drop off unneeded drugs — for humans or pets — to keep them out of water supplies and importantly, to ensure they are not misused or pose a threat to be misused or accidentally ingested.

Take Back events are also scheduled. at these police departments: Easthampton, Pelham, South Hadley, Deerfield, Greenfield, Leverett, Montague, and Sunderland as well as at the following locations: Amherst, Wildwood Elementary; Hadley, Hopkins Academy; Belchertown, Town Common; Northampton, Smith Vocational High School; Williamsburg, Williams Hardware; Worthington, Highway Department.

This is the 21st National Prescription Drug collection initiated by the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office in collaboration with community partners.

Since 2011, through the twice/year Take Back Days and the permanent drug collection boxes stationed at most area police departments, the Northwestern District Attorney’s territory has safely disposed of more than 62,000 pounds of unneeded prescription and non-prescription drugs, keeping it out of water sources, landfills and preventing misuse.

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