Letter: Repair Town Lot Behind CVS And Build Garage (If Truly Needed) Elsewhere

Town lot behind CVS. Looking south toward Jones Library. Photo: Art Keene
The following letter was sent to the Amherst Town Council, Town Manager, Planning Board and Planning Department on December 9, 2021
In thinking through the idea for a parking garage in downtown Amherst, it occurred to me that one of the pro-North Prospect Street-garage factors is that the current parking lot, at that location, is in major disrepair.
It got me thinking that if the garage were to be built elsewhere (ie: add a level to Boltwood’s garage — an expert working with the town says that garage is, indeed, able to support 1 more level; or, the obvious lot next to the Amherst Cinema) there is still the opportunity to improve that parking lot.
Wouldn’t it be excellent if that repaved and reconfigured lot checked off these features? :
- Free parking for anyone who gets a parking validation sticker from any store, restaurant, performance venue, movie theater, office, library. Maybe require a minimal purchase. Charge a much higher amount if you didn’t get the customer validation paper.
- Many charging stations for electric vehicles, that also charge a reasonable amount, separate from the parking fee or validation sticker.
- Many secure racks for bicycles
- Solar cover above the one level of parking
- Designed aesthetically, and to not disturb the residential neighbor that abuts it
I am glad to submit this idea and suggest there are a million more in the brains of Amherst community members.
Ira Bryck
Ira Bryck has lived in Amherst since 1993, ran the Family Business Center for 25 years, hosted the “Western Mass. Business Show” on WHMP for seven years, now coaches business leaders, and is a big fan of Amherst’s downtown.
This is a very good idea, Ira. In particular, it could help solve the problem of parking meters that have a maximum of 2 hours, when movies at Amherst Cinema can run more than that.
While I’d prefer to see greater investment in alternative transportation, Ira does have some good ideas about parking. However, one drawback of locating both charging stations and solar canopies near residential areas is that they typically involve large ACDC inverters, which tend to emit a loud “buzz/hum” all the time. Just walk (or bike or bus) over to one of the UMass lots with a solar canopy to hear what I mean! Perhaps there is a good way to quiet those devices (at least those connected with solar canopies ;-)) at night?
This may not help the buzz of solar, but maybe the solar canopy can be dedicated to charging the electric cars parked there?
Downtown Springfield has music broadcasted downtown. Maybe the solar can also power music covering up the buzz? Historic music, of course.
Yes, Ira, I agree with such a dedication. But unless the facility were completely off the AC grid, and all vehicles had similar charging systems, we might still need to “turn up the band” 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉