Letter: New District 4 Councilors Encourage Constituents To Be In Touch

We want to hear from you.

Photo: istock

By Pam Rooney and Anika Lopes

Dear Friends and Neighbors of District 4,

(District 4 is comprised of Precincts 5 and 9 – roughly from Strong Street to College St, and along Souih Pleasant Street from Route 9 to the Columbia Drive neighborhoods):

As your new town councilors, we would like to hear from you and be able to communicate information and news to you on a regular basis.  One reliable way to reach you with updates and information is via email.  If you are interested in hearing from us, kindly email Councilor Lopes and Councilor Rooney at our respective Town email addresses – lopesa@amherstma.gov  and rooneyp@amherstma.gov  to let us know you want to be on our mailing lists.  If you are a neighborhood email list “manager”, we would greatly appreciate it if you would post this notice to let your neighborhoods know of our interest in reaching out to, and hearing from, as many people as we can. 

To reach us – or any Councilor – the Town Council’s main phone (413) 259-3001 and the shared email address that reaches all 13 Councilors is towncouncil@amherstma.gov , are also very good ways to reach us with your thoughts and questions.  The Town Council website has lots of good information and a place to directly submit comments:  https://www.amherstma.gov/3435/Town-Council .

We look forward to hearing from you!  Here’s to healthy and productive New Year!

Pam Rooney and Anika Lopes are the new town councilors for District 4

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