Letter: Residents Invited To District 4 Community Forum

Photo: amherstma.gov
Greetings Friends and Neighbors of District 4,
As your new Councilors, we invite you to join us for our first District 4 community get-together. The Zoom forum will give us a chance to update you on Council business and to hear from you and take your questions. The Agenda is posted below our signatures.
To Join:
Sunday, February 20, 2022 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Via Zoom: https://amherstma.zoom.us/j/86766620531 . Please pass on this email to your network of friends.
Even before the community get-together, on February 12 help us celebrate Black History Month in Amherst with a special program and awards, from noon to 2 p.m. via Zoom: https://amherstma.zoom.us/j/84012266097
For a list of opportunities to volunteer to serve on town committees look here.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Pam Rooney and Anika Lopes
Pam Rooney and Anika Lopes are Amherst Town Councilors representing District 4