
Editor’s note: The following poem is Andrea Ayvazian’s first manifesto. She composed it for the spring newsletter of the Sojourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership where she is founder and director. In her preface to the newsletter she pondered on “what to write in the midst of the pain and violence of a world at war? What to write, in this perilous time, to a family of activists struggling to promote peace, dismantle racism, work for justice, protect our planet, save our children, fight oppression, and love our neighbor? What to say when our tender hearts are hurting and maybe even broken?” Her manifesto is a response to these questions.
MANIFESTO is also the first poem that we have published in the Indy in our almost three years of existence. Let us know if you would like to see more poetry in the Indy or send us your own compositions to
By Rev. Dr. Andrea Ayvazian
We believe that although there is evil in this world, evil does not win.
We believe that the hearts of compassionate, brave, and justice-loving people are woven together with golden threads.
We believe that together we have strength and power that is unstoppable.
We believe that our love for humanity is glowing in our hearts.
We believe that fatigue, worry, and sorrow come in waves, yet deep renewal, dogged tenacity, and new growth come in even bigger waves.
We believe that although pain and suffering are rampant in this world, goodness and grace blanket the globe.
We believe that tenderness can be trampled but somehow never crushed.
We believe that broken hearts still beat, broken hearts can mend, and broken hearts grow stronger over time.
We believe that the world needs us, and that we are equal to the tasks that lie before us.
We believe that we are called to heal, repair, and restore this beautiful but broken world.
We believe that each person is born with a spark of divine energy within them, and that ember bursts into flame when we embrace love, work for justice, and seek peace.
We believe in unsung heroes, in do-ers, and in the extraordinary gifts bestowed on ordinary people who can and do change the world.
We believe in the virtue and powerful impact of work for the common good.
We believe in the astonishing strength found in community.
We believe in three great loves: Love of neighbor. Love of children. Love of creation.
We believe in a world transformed.
We believe. We still believe.
Reverend Dr. Andrea Avayzian is founder and director of the Sojourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership and Associate Pastor of the Alden Baptist Church in Springfield