Letter: District 3 Residents Invited To Community Dialogue On April 24

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Hello District 3 neighbors,

It’s hard to believe May is almost upon us and the second quarter of the new Council session is underway.

Needless to say, it’s been a very busy few months with the Elementary School Building Committee working overtime to meet MSBA benchmarks; launching the Community Responders for Equity, Safety and Services (CRESS) program, made official with Mr. Earl Miller assuming the position as inaugural Director on March 21; the much-anticipated grand opening of the Drake music venue on April 28; Town-wide Clean Up Day on April 30 – followed by an afternoon of festivities on the Town Common hosted by the BID; and so much more.

To bring our constituents up-to-date and engage in a District-wide dialogue, we will be convening the second District 3 meeting on Sunday, April 24 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Woodbury Room of the Jones Library. The Woodbury room, on the lower level, allows us to keep doors open to the outside for optimum ventilation. Please come early (beginning at 1:45) for refreshments and socializing.

We’re delighted that CRESS Director, Earl Miller, will be joining us to provide an overview of the program and answer any questions you may have. The District meeting will also be an opportunity for a general discussion of issues you’d like to raise – and for us to provide an update of items on the Council’s agenda during the second quarter of the year.

During the month of May, the Council focuses on the proposed Fiscal Year 2023 budget. We’re very pleased that At-Large Councilor Andy Steinberg, Finance Committee Chair, will be joining us at the District meeting to provide an overview of the proposed budget. Andy will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

We also invite you to mark your calendars for the following:

  • The Drake music venue – Grand opening celebration on April 28 with lives shows scheduled throughout that week and beyond.
  • – Sunday, May 1 from Noon – 2:00 p.m., community members are invited to “envision and create the future library.” (Children’s activities will be provided from Noon – 1:00 p.m.)

You can always reach us at:

Dorothy Pam – pamd@amherstma.gov 

Jennifer Taub – taubj@amherstma.gov 

We’re honored to represent District 3 on Town Council and look forward seeing you on Sunday afternoon, April 24th.

Warm regards,

Dorothy Pam and Jennifer Taub

Dorothy Pam and Jennifer Taub are Amherst Town Councilors Representing District 3

Sunday, April 24 from 2:00 p.m – 4:30 p.m.– Jones Library Lower Level, Woodbury Room

I.      Welcome from your Town Councilors – Brief update of activities since the last District meeting.

II.     Introduction of guest speaker, Mr. Earl Miller, Director, Community Responders for Equity, Safety and Services (CRESS)

III.   Introduction of Council President, Lynn Griesemer, and At-Large Councilors in attendance

IV.   Highlights of Proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Budget – Councilor Andy Steinberg, Finance Committee Chair

V.     Council Updates and Announcements – Dorothy Pam and Jennifer Taub

VII.  What’s on Your Mind? Constituent Questions and Comments

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