Syncopate: Homage to Jazz At Gallery A3 In June


Rodney Madison, Untitled, acrylic on wood board Photo: Gallery A3

Source: Gallery A3

Inspired by the syncopation of jazz, regional artists Donald Boudreaux, Andres Chaparro, Bobby Davis, Terry Jenoure, and Rodney Madison present paintings, drawings, photographs, prints, and sculptures that display a bold and beautiful interplay of complex visual rhythms in a new exhibit at Gallery A3, 28 Amity Street.  Organized by guest curator Terry Jenoure, the exhibit is on display from June 2 to July 2, with an opening reception on June 2, from 5 to 7 pm. An online art forum is scheduled for June 16 at 7:30 p.m. (see below).

From fearless markings to carefully crafted messages, and from surreal imaginings in fabric and string to memories of actual events captured in real time, the combined effect of the work in Syncopate: Homage to Jazz, is joyful. Andres Chaparro brings grit, clarity, and assurance to collage and painting.  Donald Boudreaux maps out pathways here and there with his eyes closed and his heart open. Bobby Davis stands with feet firmly planted as his camera attests to history in the making. Rodney Madison places the most unusual shapes and colors in the most surprising places.  And Terry Jenoure stitches together soft fabric to salute memorable performance moments.

“The jazz ensemble is an iconic example of democracy because each musician contributes sounds that produce effects far more potent than its individual offerings,” explains Jenoure. “Syncopate through its broad range of mediums, promises the same interplay and generously offers an invitation to experience some magic.”  

Bobby Davis, Esperanza Spalding, photograph.

Art Forum
The online art forum will feature exhibitionA curator Terry Jenoure, who will talk about some of the guiding principles of jazz improvisation, followed by a Q&A, and conversation with participants about how these principles show up in visual art. See the gallery website ( to register for the online event, which is free and open to the public. 

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Amherst Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.


Terry Jenoure, Resonate, mixed media fabric sculpture. Photo: Gallery A3
Andres Chaparro, Search of the New Land, mixed media collage. Photo: Gallery A3
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