Letter: Hauler Reform Should Be A Town Priority

USA, Solid Waste, Martin's Farm, Compost

USA Trucking, Amherst's current solid waste hauler, delivering compostable trash to Martin's farm in Greenfield. Photo: Art Keene

The following letter also appeared in The Daily Hampshire Gazette

Reforming our Amherst trash, recycling and compost system is on the Town Council agenda for August 22. If adopted, it would transition the hauler system to a town contract where residents would pay a fee to the town and buy bags according to how much trash they generate.

They would receive three toters, including one for compostable materials, diverted from their trash bins. Those elements were the heart and soul of the town’s 2016 Solid Waste Master Plan and received broad community support in the town’s survey.

The proposal does save Amherst property owners money. But that’s an added benefit. The primary goals are about the climate crisis, public health and environmental justice. It’s about raising consciousness about environmental issues in a broader sense as well, since every decision made by town leadership and every routine that we change in our daily lives can become reminders of what our priorities are and our resolution to act accordingly.

Alice Swift

Alice Swift Is A Resident Of Amherst

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