New Family Housing Set To Open At UMass

University Village, Apartments, the new UMass family housing complex at 990 North Pleasant Street. Photo:
University Village, a new complex of 140 2-bedroom townhomes, each approximately 1,000 square feet, are set for occupancy beginning fall 2022. Surrounding a shared community center, playgrounds, and field, these sustainably designed, LEED Silver facilities will provide housing for UMass Amherst students with families. A limited number of units will be complete for fall 2022 occupancy, with the rest coming on line as the year continues. Updates about timeline, availability, and application processes for the new University Village family housing development at UMass Amherst can be found here. The complex is located at 990 North Pleasant Street.

Need to add shared use path along west edge of project. Path can come in on east side of 116 south of Meadow St along power line easement through Brandywine and Puffton by North Village site through woods on existing roads to southwest edge Mullins of parking lot. Easements needed from Puffton and Brandywine parcels on west edge. Would provide link to Sunderland to north where safe protected bike path could be included along 116 as road is improved in future.
Yes, Dan!
Such a Northside Connector has been under consideration for decades: in the late 1990s, just as the corresponding Southside Connector (now known as “Swift Way” at least on the Town-owned portion, if not on the UMass portion) went out to bid, Arthur Swift, Peter Westover and I* began exploring what you propose.
At the time we had support from major landowners there, including the late Steve Puffer. It’s been considered and reconsidered again and again, but I believe the stumbling block has been over safety and liability concerns from UMass officials. Perhaps recent or current members of the Amherst Transportation Advisory Committee — on which there are, or may soon be, vacancies — can explain why it’s not yet happened?
*At the time, Pete was Amherst’s Conservation director, while Art and I were recent chairs of the Amherst Public Transportation & Bicycle Committee (and members of the Amherst Finance Committee and Conservation Commission, respectively).