Forum For Candidates For Hampshire County Sheriff, August 25

Photo: Hampshire County Sheriff
Source: League of Women Voters Northampton and Amherst
The Northampton and Amherst chapters of the League of Women Voters will hold a forum for candidates for the office of Hampshire County Sheriff on Thursday August 25 from 7:00 p.m – 8:30 p.m. at the Northampton Center for the Arts, 33 Hawley Street at Northampton. Doors open at 6:30. The public is encouraged to wear masks. Information on how to participate remotely can be found here or here. Submit questions for the candidates to the organization’s websites here and here, or to LWV Northampton, P.O. Box 39, Leeds, MA 01053, through August 22 The moderator will make every effort to pose as many submitted questions as possible and to cover a broad range of issues that are important to local residents.
More information on candidates here.
This event is co-sponsored by the Daily Hampshire Gazette