Letter: Common Share Food Coop Supports Hauler Reform In Amherst

USA Trucking, Amherst's current solid waste hauler, delivering compostable trash to Martin's farm in Greenfield. Photo: Art Keene
The following letter was sent to the Amherst Town Council On August 29, 2022
I am writing on behalf of the Board of Directors of Common Share Food Coop (CSFC). We thank you for your leadership and service to the town of Amherst.
Please vote yes on transitioning households from individual subscription hauler services to a competitive town contract that includes universal curbside compost pick up (including yard waste!). This change is in direct alignment with Common Share Food Coop’s mission which includes supporting local resilience and why our Board endorsed this proposal early on.
We are excited that the Town of Amherst’s shares our own goal of Zero Waste, which is already recommended by the Amherst Energy and Climate Action Committee’s Climate Action Adaptation and Resilience Plan (June, 2021) and is part of our 2016 Solid Waste Plan.
Like this proposal states, CSFC will also choose to act responsibly to reduce our waste which is a source of land, air and water pollution and is a major contribution to global climate change through the release of methane from landfills, emissions from waste-to-energy trash combustors, and the transportation of waste to disposal or recycling facilities.
The Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Master Plan (October 2021) aims to ban all organic waste from disposal by 2030. So, let’s get all started right away! This is a perfect opportunity to model healthy practices for our community for a climate conscious and livable future.
Finally, you will save our residents lots of money, for which they will be grateful.
For the board of directors,
Madeleine Charney
Madeleine Charney is a resident of Amherst
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