Town Schedules Fall And Winter Pick-Up Of Bagged Leaves

The Department of Public Works will pick up leaves bagged in 30 gallon biodegradable bags during the week of October 31. The town no longer sells the bags, but they can be purchased at local retailers. Those residents with a current dump sticker may bring loose leaves to the Transfer Station. Stickers can be purchased at the transfer station during operating hours or on-line.
Bagged leaves should be placed curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection. The collection schedule is:
Monday, October 31—East and West Amherst
Tuesday, November 1—South Amherst
Wednesday, November 2—North Amherst
Thursday, November 3—Central Amherst
Friday, November 4—make-up day in case DPW trucks were unable to pick up the leaves on the assigned day.
The same schedule will be followed for the winter leaf collection during the week of December 5 through 9.
For collection dates for specific streets, check the Town website at