Letter: Please Support The Amherst Elementary School Project

Photo: Architect's rendering of library at the new elementary school at Fort River. Photo: DiNisco Design
I am writing in strong support of the Amherst Elementary School Project and to urge voters to vote YES on May 2, in favor of the local debt exclusion.
There is no question in my mind that our two aging elementary schools need to be replaced. The plan that has been submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for a single new school on the Fort River site is a good one. The new school will meet the educational needs of our community well into the future and the project plan will cause minimum disruption during the construction process.
Please speak with your friends and neighbors and ask them to support this project. Let’s build the outstanding school that our community deserves.
Jim Pistrang
Jim Pistrang is a 34-year Amherst resident and former Town Moderator.
Being facetious here (I hope), but why build a new school if there will be no teachers to staff it?