What’s Happening In Amherst?

Photo: istock
by Art and Maura Keene
There are lots of interesting events happening in our town. You can help us make our events calendar more useful by sending us your listings and including contact information and/or a link for more information. Send events listings to amherstindy@gmail.com.
SATURDAY MARCH 18: INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP ON SOLAR DEVELOPMENT. Noon to 2 p.m., Woodbury Room at the Jones Library. Drop by the Woodbury Room at the Jones Library to let us know what you think. These workshops are informal, and you can join for a little or much time as you would like. The activities and questions will be the same at each event. Light refreshments and activities for the kids will be provided. ASL Interpretation, as well as Cantonese and Spanish translators will be available. Both workshops will have the same content.
MONDAY MARCH 20: MARK THE SPRING EQUINOX AT THE AMHERST SUNWHEEL, Monday, March 20 at 6:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. The public is invited to view the sunrise and sunset on the day of the spring equinox among the standing stones of the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Sunwheel on Monday, March 20 at 6:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. These Sunwheel events mark the astronomical change of seasons when days and nights are nearly equal in length everywhere in the world, which is the source of the term equinox (for “equal night”), and UMass astronomers will give talks explaining the astronomy of the seasonal changes. Observers standing at the center of the Sunwheel’s standing stones will see the sun rise and set over stones placed to mark the equinoxes, very close to due east and due west. Other structures around the world mark this astronomical change, such as the pyramid at Chichen Itza. The exact time of the equinox this year is 5:24 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on March 20. This is the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, traveling from south to north as viewed from Earth. More information
TUESDAY MARCH 21: READING – ALEX CHI READING NEW WORK. 7 p.m. Frost Library, 2nd floor, Amherst College. Part of Amherst College’s Visiting Writer Series. Chee, bestselling auth or of the novels, Edinburgh & The Queen of the Night, & the essay collection, How to Write an Autobiographical Novel, is most recently the editor of The Best American Essays 2022. He is author of numerous essays & winner of many awards. For more information, see the Amherst College Creative Writing Center’s website.
THURSDAY MARCH 23: INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP ON SOLAR DEVELOPMENT. 6-8 p.m., Woodbury Room at the Jones Library. Drop by the Woodbury Room at the Jones Library to let us know what you think. These workshops are informal, and you can join for a little or much time as you would like. The activities and questions will be the same at each event. Light refreshments and activities for the kids will be provided. ASL Interpretation, as well as Cantonese and Spanish translators will be available. Both workshops will have the same content.
THURSDAY MARCH 23: PANEL – RESISTING IMPERIAL MEMORY CONFRONTING THE HISTORY OF US AGGRESSION IN IRAQ. 4 p.m. on Zoom. Free and open to the public. The Anglo-American invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 was catastrophic for Iraqi society, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, eliciting sectarian animosities, and leaving the environment toxic and irradiated. However, twenty years later, Iraqi suffering is barely present in American memory of the conflict. Nor has there been a serious debate about the U.S. right to intervene in the affairs of other nations. In commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the invasion, this event explores the Iraqi experience of the conflict. Panelists will discuss the legality of the invasion and occupation, the forms of hard and soft power exercised by the U.S. in Iraq, and the material consequences for the Iraqi people. Register here. More information
THURSDAY MARCH 23: 28TH ANNUAL DUBOIS LECTURE: CHAD WILLIAMS: “THE WOUNDED WORLD, WEB DUBOIS AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR.” UMass, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, 6-8 p.m. For nearly two decades, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted to write what he believed would be the definitive history of the African American experience in World War I. In this talk, Chad Williams explores Du Bois’s complex relationship with the history and legacy of World War I and what it reveals about the struggle for democracy, racial justice and peace in the 20th century.Chad Williams is the Samuel J. and Augusta Spector Professor of History and African and African American Studies at Brandeis University. Chad earned a BA with honors in History and African American Studies from UCLA, and received both his MA and Ph.D. in History from Princeton University. Postponed from February 23. The lecture can be viewed here.
FRIDAY MARCH 24: CUPPA JOE WITH TOWN MANAGER PAUL BOCKELMAN AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIR CATHY SCHOEN. Large Activity Room. Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk. 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Feel free to drop in or out at any time. If you need any assistance or accommodation in order to attend, please contact us at townmanager@amherstma.gov or by phone at (413) 259-3002. Join Amherst Town Manager Paul Bockelman and special guest Elementary School Building Committee member and Town Councilor Cathy Schoen. Come to discuss and ask your questions about the elementary school building project.
FRIDAY MARCH 24: LAUNCHING WOMEN LUNCHEON SERIES. Venture Way Collaborative, 200 Venture Way, Hadley. 12-4 p.m. Part 1: Every woman should be comfortable talking about money. It’s easier than ever to overspend and the constant new cycle makes finance seem unapproachable and confusing. The truth is an understanding of basic financial principals and personal psychology are all you need to establish the simple money habits that lead to financial security, no matter your starting point with Emily Must, Faculty Isenberg School of Management. Part 2: Every woman should be managing or co-managing her finances! Greater knowledge is associated with financial security in retirement. Know where the Will is, where the life insurance is, where the disability policies are, where the retirement accounts are, are we putting enough away in our retirement accounts, are the beneficiaries up to date, where is the college savings plan, are the estate plan documents up to date? with Kim Pisinski, Counsel Legacy Counselors. Sponsored by the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce and M&T Bank. $25 for Chamber members, $35 for guests. Contact Claudia@Amherstarea.com
FRIDAY MARCH 24: RALLY FOR A GOOD CONTRACT WITH AMHERST PELHAM EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION. 3:30 p.m. Amherst Regional Middle School Parking lot in front of the district offices. Join APEA members as they rally, right before the beginning of the next bargaining session. Bring signs, songs, stories, and solidarity.
FRIDAY MARCH 24: POETRY READING WITH CACONRAD & HOA NGUYEN. 6 p.m. Bernie Dallas Room, Goodell Hall, UMass. 2023 Juniper Literary Festival. CAConrad has worked with the ancient technologies of poetry & ritual since 1975. They are the author of 9 books, including AMANDA PARADISE: Resurrect Extinct Vibration, which won the 2022 PEN Josephine Miles Award. They received a 2022 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, a Creative Capital grant, a Pew Fellowship, & a Lambda Award. Nguyen is a poet & educator. Her books include Red Juice: Poems 1998 – 2008 & the Griffin Prize-nominated Violet Energy Ingots. Her latest collection of poems, A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure, was a finalist for a 2021 National Book Award, the General Governor’s Literary Award, & the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. For more information & to register go to the Juniper Literary Festival web page.
SATURDAY MARCH 25: TOWN OF AMHERST SOCIAL JUSTICE LISTENING SESSION. The Community Safety and Social Justice Committee (CCJC) and the Community Responders For Equity, Safety, and Service Department (CRESS) invite Amherst residents to a public listening session on Saturday, March 25 for 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Town Room of Town Hall. Those attending will have the opportunity to hear what CSSJC and CRESS have been doing and to share their thoughts on community safety and social justice issues in town. The event will also be broadcast on Zoom and can be accessed via this link: https://amherstma.zoom.us/j/83394825481 , or by phone: 669-900-6833 or 689-278-1000
Webinar ID: 833 9482 5481. For Childcare and Translation Services please call 413-259-0360
SATURDAY MARCH 25: READING BY Sadie Dupuis ’14, Shastri Akella ’14, Sueyeun Juliette Lee ’06, & Callum Angus ’17. 4 p.m. Integrative Learning Center ILCN151. 2023 Juniper Literary Festival: Alumni Reading & Conversation. Dupuis is the guitarist, songwriter & singer of rock band Speedy Ortiz, as well as the producer & multi-instrumentalist behind pop project Sad13. Her most recently collection of poetry is Cry Perfume. Akella was a 2022 fiction fellow at The Fine Arts Works Center & a 2023 writing fellow at the Oak Springs Garden Foundation. His debut novel, The Sea Elephants will be available in July. Lee is a poet, videographer, & performance artist. She is author of, among other poetry collections, No Comet, That Serpent in the Sky Means Noise & Aerial Concave Without Cloud. Angus is a writer & editor. His short story collection, A Natural History of Transition was a 2022 finalist for a Lambda Literary Award in Transgender Fiction, the Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction, & an Oregon Book Award. For more information & to register go to the Juniper Literary Festival web page.
SATURDAY MARCH 25: READING Novuyo Rosa Tshuma & Robert Lopez. 6:30 p.m.Integrative Learning Center ILCN151, UMass, Amherst. Tshuma is the author of House of Stone: A Novel, which won the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Award & the Bulawayo Arts Award for Outstanding Fiction; was listed for the Orwell Prize for Political Fiction, the Dylan Thomas Prize, the Balcones Fiction Prize & the Rathbones Folio Prize. Her forthcoming novel, Digging Stars will be available in September. Lopez is author of three novels, Part of the World, Kamby Bolongo Mean River—named one of 25 important books of the decade by HTMLGIANT, All Back Full, & two story collections, Asunder & Good People. His most recent is Dispatches from Puerto Nowhere: An American Story of Assimilation & Erasure. For more information & to register go to the Juniper Literary Festival web page.
SUNDAY MARCH 26: COVID-19 INTERFAITH REMEMBRANCE GATHERING. Amherst Town Common across from Grace Episcopal Church. 2 p.m. Prayers, readings, and reflections will be offered by Pastor Mary Smith Gomes of Goodwin Memorial AME Zion Church, Ruth Love Barer of Jewish Community of Amherst, Omar Abdelaal of Hampshire Mosque, Rev. Meghan McDermott of Grace Church, Rev. Jeffrey Schultz of Immanuel Lutheran Church, and others. Those attending are encouraged to bring the name(s) of those they have lost. There will be an opportunity to place these names in a bowl during the gathering.
The gathering will also provide an opportunity to celebrate the community’s resilience as people begin to recover and move on from the pandemic. Amherst Area Gospel Choir, Journey Home hospice choir, Healing Circle singers, and the newly formed choir of Hopping Tree Sangha will offer songs.Rep. Mindy Domb will describe efforts of the state legislature to mark and honor this time of COVID. The Town Council’s recent resolution on COVID remembrance will be read. More information
TUESDAY MARCH 28: AMHERST KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT INFORMATION SESSION. Due to the recent snowstorm, the information session scheduled for March 14 has been postponed until Tuesday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Crocker Farm School cafeteria, 280 West Street. Parents of incoming kindergartners will be able to meet Superintendent Mike Morris and the elementary school principles. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Those needing interpretation in other languages should notify the school office at 413-362-1825. Children are welcome to attend as well. Information on the Dual Enrollment (Spanish/English) program at Fort River will also be provided. Applications for that program are due by April 24. Participants for the program will be chosen by lottery on April 28. Children are eligible for kindergarten in the fall if they will turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023. Registration can be completed on-line at https://arps.org/registration/
TUESDAY MARCH 28: “READING THE FORESTED LANDSCAPE” WITH TOM WESSELS. Webinar 6-7 p.m. This interactive program may cover such topics as forest dynamics and history, tree growth forms, intriguing co-evolved interactions between forest species, and unique tree adaptations. Participants are asked to submit photos of things they have encountered on forest the program. During the event, we will view a slide show of those submitted photos, which Tom will interpret in real-time to guide his discussion. He may ask the individuals who took the photos about things that may not be apparent from the image. Participants will also be able to ask Tom questions about any of the photos while they are presented. Tom has conducted workshops on ecology and sustainability throughout the country for over three decades. In addition to Reading the Forested Landscape, he is the author of The Granite Landscape, The Myth of Progress, Forest Forensics, and his latest publication, New England’s Roadside Ecology: Explore 30 of the Region’s Unique Natural Areas. Sponsored by the Kestrel Trust. Register here. Cost $20.
TUESDAY MARCH 28: 42ND ANNUAL UMASS JAZZ SHOWCASE FEATURING THE MUSIC OF LENNON AND MCCARTNEY. 7:30 P.M. Bowker Auditorium, UMass. Featuring Jazz Ensemble I, Chapel Jazz, Vocal Jazz, Jazz Lab & Chamber Jazz Ensembles Including arrangements of Beatles tunes Norwegian Wood, Can’t Buy Me Love, Michelle, Blackbird, Got To Get You Into My Life and many more! Tix: $10 Adults, $5 Seniors/Students, UMass Amherst Students Free
Call the Box Office at 413-545-2511 or Buy Tickets online.
THURSDAY MARCH 30: LECTURE – JASON STANLEY. KEYNOTE FOR THE UMASS SYMPOSIUM AMERICA’S FASCIST THREAT AND HOW TO FIGHT IT. The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at UMass will hold a Symposium on March 31 entitled America’s Fascist Threat and How To Fight it. The keynote lecture will be presented by Jason Stanley. Stanley is the Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and the author of How Fascism Works (Random House, 2020). The lecture is free and open to the public and will presented on Thursday, March 30 at 4:30 p.m. in the Bernie Dallas Room of Goodell Hall at UMass Amherst. No registration is required.
THURSDAY MARCH 30: “THE IDEA OF PRISON ABOLITION: SLAVERY AND ITS LEGACY” TOMMIE SHELBY. Fayerweather Hall, Amherst College 5 p.m. Tommie Shelby is the Caldwell Titcomb Professor of African and African American Studies and of Philosophy, Harvard University. Angela Davis and other leading abolitionist thinkers in the black radical tradition object to prisons on numerous grounds. One objection questions the legitimacy of the practice of imprisonment because of its similarity to, and historical connection with, practices of enslavement. In this lecture, Shelby critically engages with this influential objection. He highlights its power but also explores its limits, and he draws lessons from this engagement for criminal justice reform in the United States and elsewhere.
THURSDAY MARCH 30: FILM -“THE BIG PAYBACK” FEAR AND REPARATIONS IN THE AMERICAN SUBURB. The Powerhouse, East Drive, Amherst College 6 p.m. A documentary film directed by Erika Alexander and Whitney Dow. The passage for the first-ever tax-funded reparations bill for Black Americans stirs up a debate. Sponsored by the African Heritage Reparations Assembly and the Amherst College Student Senate.
FRIDAY MARCH 31: UMASS SYMPOSIUM – AMERICA’S FASCIST THREAT AND HOW TO FIGHT IT. The symposium will feature all-day panels and discussions on Friday, March 31, at Gordon Hall, 418 N. Pleasant Street, Amherst. To attend the Friday symposium, registration will be required ( https://peri.umass.edu/ as of 2/20). This PERI symposium is organized by Betsy Hartmann (Hampshire College) and Jerry Epstein (UMass Amherst).
FRIDAY MARCH 31: AMHERST INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCE BENEFIT FOREARTHQUAKE VICTIMS IN TURKEY AND SYRIA. Unitarian Society, 121 North Pleasant Street, 7:30-10 p.m. (rescheduled from March 3 due to inclement weather). Live music with Panharmonium. Folk dancing is for all. Enjoy harmonies and rhythms from Turkey, the Balkans, eastern Europe and Middle East. Beginners welcome. No partner required. Bring a mask, proof of vax/boosters, and indoor shoes. Donations will support Direct Relief.
SATURDAY April 1: BOOK LAUNCH—COMMON PLACE (a book about libraries) BY LOCAL AUTHOR THOMAS JOHNSON. Munson Memorial Library in South Amherst, 11-12:30 p.m. Co-sponsored by the Jones Library and branches and Levellers Press. Common PLACE: The Public Library, Civil Society and Early American Values tells the stories behind early libraries in America — where they are lo¬cated, who created them and why. Vignettes of sixteen public libraries located in New England include those both historic and typical, albeit with a focus on smaller localities where their presence can be more significant.
MONDAY APRIL 3: SECOND ANNUAL SENIOR CENTER OPEN HOUSE. Bangs Community Center, 3-5 p.m. Showcasing the programs, services, and partner agencies. Special guests will include Highland Valley Elder Services, Amherst Chamber of Commerce, Applewood, Christopher Heights, Jones Library, CRESS, Amherst Fire Department, Amherst Police Department, Amherst Council on Aging, and more. Light refreshments will be served.
THURSDAY APRIL 6: THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT. UNICEF’S CHARITY BAND NIGHT FOR YEMEN. The Drake. 44 North Pleasant Street. Doors open at 7 p.m. The Umass branch of Unicef has put together an evening of local bands, raffle prizes, and concessions to raise money for the ongoing Yemen crisis.We are calling this event “The Butterfly Effect” to illustrate how one small event in Western Mass can raise the money to help hundreds of kids who are suffering across the world. Yemen remains one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world, with around 23.4 million people in need of assistance, including almost 13 million children. After eight years of conflict, the national socioeconomic systems of Yemen remain on the edge of total collapse, while conflict, large-scale displacement and recurring climate shocks have left families vulnerable to communicable diseases outbreaks. By late 2022, more than 17.8 million people, including 9.2 million children, lacked access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services. The country continues to experience regular outbreaks of cholera, measles, diphtheria and other vaccine-preventable diseases. We are hosting this event to raise much needed funds to send over to our most vulnerable populations of the world: children. Please join us to show your support! Tix: $7 advance / $10 day of. Full calendar of events.
MONDAY APRIL 10: ACCIDENTAL WEDDING COMEDY SHOW. Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk 2-3 p.m. A hilarious encounter with a wouldn’t-be groom, an irate match maker and a tall tale like they write tall tales about. A highly interactive, roll-in-the-aisle comedy you won’t want to miss. This original comedy will be performed by Steve Henderson. Program is supported by the Amherst Cultural Council, a local agency, which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
TUESDAY APRIL 11: GOSPEL CHOIR CONCERT. Grace Episcopal Church, 7:30 p.m. To benefit Amherst A Better Chance (ABC). Featuring Amherst Area Gospel Choir, Amherst Regional High School Chorale, Hampshire Young People’s Chorus, UMass Gospel Choir. Please join us for light refreshments prior to the concert in the room adjacent to the Grace Church sanctuary. Greet and congratulate our 2023 Local Hero Award recipient Talib Sadiq, and visit with the ABC scholars and resident directors Nancita Alejandro and Tom Blessed. Requested donation $20.
WEDNESDAY APRIL 12: UMASS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IN CONCERT. 7:30 p.m. Tillis Performance Hall, UMass. Morihiko Nakahara, conductor. Featuring our Concerto Competition winners: Brian Carr, saxophone; Luca Kevorkian, violin & Zhen Tu, piano. Repertoire to include – Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Mvt. I (Zhen Tu, piano), Creston: Saxophone Concerto, Mvt. I (Brian Carr, saxophone) and Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D Major, Mvt. I (Luca Kevorkian), plus Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Mussorgsky/Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition. Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Seniors/Students, UMass Amherst Students Free Call the Box Office at 413-545-2511 or Buy Tickets online
THURSDAY APRIL 13: DISCUSSION ABOUT THE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN AMHERST. 4-5:30 p.m. Amherst Neighbors and the League of Women Voters Amherst is pleased to host Adrienne Terrizzi and Cathy Schoen for a special discussion of the issues surrounding the new elementary school project in Amherst and its impact on our community. Adrienne led the Amherst League of Women Voters working group in comparing our local policy positions on Education and Schools and Energy, comparing those with the new school building project and the ways it will impact our residents. Cathy, as a Town Council member, has led the Elementary School Committee on behalf of the Council.
LWVA recently voted to support both a yes vote and attempts on the part of the Town Council to mitigate the effect on taxpayers by utilizing funds from the Town’s Cash Reserves. Adrienne and the working group ensured that the Elementary School proposal is in accord with our League policies and positions. Free and open to all. Register here.
FRIDAY, MARCH 24 – SUNDAY MARCH 26: CONFERENCE. BUILDING WORKER POWER. SOLIDARITY, COOPERATION AND CARE. UMass. In this time of economic crisis and ecological collapse, workers of all kinds are organizing to reject the alienation of racial capitalism. This conference explores the deep histories, current happenings, and future possibilities of collaborations between union organizing and worker-owned cooperatives. Keynote Speakers: Kali Akuno (Cooperation Jackson) and Chris Smalls (President, Amazon Labor Union). Over 30 workshops, exciting plenaries, networking and community building. More information
SUNDAY MARCH 26 -SUNDAY APRIL 23. FIFTH BIENNIAL BACH FESTIVAL AND SYMPOSIUM. Festival runs April 21-23 with prelude events beginning March 26. Concerts, workshops, master classes. Look here for full description and listing of events.
SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH: OPEN MIC NIGHT AT THE DRAKE. 44 North Pleasant Street. Free event. Performers arrive by 5:30 p.m. Stage time: 6 p.m – 10 p.m. All ages. Younger performers will be slotted earler. All performers and styles of performances welcome, including but not limited to: music (of all kinds) – acoustic, folk, rock, hip hop, jazz, classical, etc…comedy, spoken word / readings, poetry, dance, performance art. House rules and more information.
FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH: NORTHAMPTON JAZZ WORKSHOP. The Drake. 44 North Pleasant Street. 7:30 p.m. Free (donations accepted). Featuring the Green Street trio with a special guest. Featured set at 7:30 followed by an open jam session. Bring your axe. Full calendar of events here.
FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH: COVID 19 VACCINE CLINIC. Bangs Center, 70 Boltwood Walk. 3:00-5:00 p.m. Free. The clinics offer Pfizer and Moderna Bivalent Boosters for ages 12 and up and Pfizer Bivalent Booster for ages 5 and up. Registration is preferred, but walk-ins are accepted. To schedule an appointment, click here. More information
LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH: CRAFT AND CONVERSE. Mill District General Store and Local Art Gallery, 91 Cowls Road. 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Are you tired of creating in solitude? Looking to connect with other artistic individuals? Grab your sketchbook, knitting bag, or water color gear and join our monthly coworking group! Craft and converse, hosted by Easthampton artist Kaia Zimmerman, is held the last Wednesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This welcoming, intentional space is designed for community members to come together for a casual, social evening while pursuing their own creative projects. Drop-ins welcome, but registration encouraged for any weather-related changes in schedule. Bring your own arts or crafts project (BYOA) to work on. Ages 16+.
EVERY WEDNESDAY : CAN’T REMEMBER CAFE. Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Are you or a loved one experiencing memory loss? At the Amherst Senior Center, we understand memory changes and have developed a new program based on the popular Memory Café format. The Can’t Remember (CR) Café offers fun, relaxation, and of course, snacks. This program is perfect for caregivers, people with mild memory loss, or anyone in the community who enjoys good conversation and strong coffee. Each Can’t Remember Café opens with a coffee and conversation hour, followed by a group activity. Join us on Wednesday, November 30th for a performance by our special musical guests, “Healing Hearts with Harmony” at 11:00am. Come for the coffee, stay for the connections! Email seniorcenter@amherstma.gov or call 413-259-3060 with questions.
LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH : LAST FRIDAYS AT THE DRAKE POETRY SERIES HOSTED BY LYRICAL FAITH. 44 North Pleasant Street. Join us every last Friday of the month* for Last Fridays at The Drake hosted by Lyrical Faith for an unforgettable open mic and poetry night experience featuring award-winning spoken word artists from across the country. Come through for music, drinks, and artistic expression where poets take center stage to share new work, old work, or any work that helps them get free. Doors and bar open at 5PM. Early arrival is encouraged to get a slot on the sign-up sheet. The cover charge is $5 with a college ID or $10 general admission. More Information. Full Events Calendar at the Drake.
THIRD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH APRIL THROUGH OCTOBER: CARS AND COFFEE AT THE MILL DISTRICT. Hosted by the Mill District General Store, 91 Cowls Road, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. It is free for collectors to display their cars and compete for trophies in four categories: best domestic, best foreign, best exotic, and best overall, based on votes of the public. Plus, there will be coffee from Futura Coffee Roasters which will soon be joining the Mill District. Cars and Coffee will be held rain or shine.
NOW Through FRIDAY MARCH 31: “THE DISTANCE IS GETTING CLOSER,” FROM ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE SERENA HIMMELFARB. Hampshire College Art Gallery, 893 West Street. In The Distance is Getting Closer, artist-in residence Serena Himmelfarb challenges the aims of traditional landscape painting, which sought to capture and harness the divine light of the wilderness, and instead seeks engagement with its multiple histories, complex infrastructure and divergent ecologies. Closing reception Thursday, March 30, 5-8 p.m.
NOW Through WEDNESDAY APRIL 3: FEINBERG LECTURE SERIES ON US IMPERIALISM – CONFRONTING EMPIRE. Events are online or hybrid. This free public lecture series brings together scholars, journalists, educators, writers, community organizers, and survivors of state violence to examine global histories of U.S. imperialism and anti-imperialist resistance.The series traces the history of U.S. imperialism from the conquest of North America to the creation of an overseas empire in the late 19th century and to the present day. It also offers a critical historical analysis of the various traditions and movements that have opposed U.S. empire, including Black radicalism, Marxism, revolutionary feminism, armed struggle, international solidarity, pacifism, and liberal, electoral, and diplomatic activism.
Register here.
Full listing of series events and more information
NOW Through FRIDAY MAY 12: PORTRAITS IN RED: MISSING & MURDERED INDIGENOUS WOMEN & GIRLS. Paintings by Nayana LaFond. Augusta Savage Gallery, New Africa House, UMass, 180 Infirmary Way. Portraits in Red: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls began on May 5, 2020 with one painting, “Lauraina in RED,” created for the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls. Nayana LaFond put out an open call, saying she would paint a couple more portraits if people sent information on subjects. She received more than 25 the first day with stories and photos, and decided to dedicate herself to painting all she receives. Each portrait is of someone who is missing, was murdered, survived, their family member or friend, or an activist/hero fighting for the cause. Through her work LaFond hopes to make sure the missing and dead are never forgotten, to raise awareness about this serious issue, and to provide help with healing to the families she works with. LaFond continues to receive new images and stories and has an ongoing queue of 20-30. Opening Reception: Monday, January 30, 5-7 p.m. Artists talk: Tuesday, February 8, 6 p.m.
NOW Through SUNDAY MAY 14: 60 YEARS OF COLLECTING -AN ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION CELEBRATING THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART PERMANENT COLLECTION. Bottom Floor of the UMass Fine Arts Center. Look here for gallery hours and additional information. Free. The exhibit can be viewed on line here.
NOW Through FRIDAY JUNE 2: A RECIPE FOR SAVING SEEDS. (Beginning TH MAR 12). 10 A.M. – 5:00 p.m. –
(MON-SUN). University of Massachusetts Amherst, Science and Engineering Library,740 N Pleasant St.
The exhibit consists of a series of ten seed-saving recipe cards. Each card provides easy, step-bystep instructions for saving seeds of specific flowers, herbs, and vegetables, with images and text. Reception: April 7, 1-3 p.m.
NOW Through SUNDAY JULY 2: GOD MADE MY FACE: A COLLECTIVE PORTRAIT OF JAMES BALDWIN. Meade Art Museum, 41 Quadrangle Street, Amherst College. Look here for days and hours. This exhibit presents works from iconic artists such as Richard Avedon, Marlene Dumas, and Kara Walker alongside archival materials in order to explore the life, work, and legacy of James Baldwin (1924–1987). More information
NOW Throughout -SUMMER 2023: ANCESTRAL BRIDGES EXHIBITION AT FROST LIBRARY TO CELEBRATE BLACK AND AFRO-INDIGENOUS FAMILIES WHO LIVED AND WORKED IN AMHERST Frost Library at Amherst College, 61 Quadrangle Drive, 4:30 p.m.-6 p.m. This exhibition, the first partnership between the Ancestral Bridges Foundation and Amherst College, seeks to center this long-neglected aspect of town history and to reveal the rich and complex lives of the Black and Afro-Indigenous community of Amherst. Our families’ old black-and-white photographs complement oral histories–some yet to be recorded – and other artifacts available locally and at the college. I hope these images and stories raise questions, prompt further research, and challenge us all to meet our collective responsibility to build a more just and equitable future. All are welcome. On view through the summer of 2023. Free.