Town Seeks Applicants For Openings On Planning Board And Zoning Board Of Appeals

Architects planning

Photo: istock

By Maura Keene

There will be three potential openings on the Planning Board and two potential spots on the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) as of June 30, 2023. There are also four one-year associate positions on the ZBA which must be appointed by June 30. The Community Resources Committee (CRC) of the Town Council is responsible for recommending candidates for both boards to the council for appointment. Interested applicants should submit a Community Activity Form on the town website. Applicants will then have to submit a statement of interest and participate in a joint interview with the CRC. Statements of interest will be posted on the town website prior to the interviews.

A description of the Planning Board positions is listed here. Among its other responsibilities, the  Planning Board (PB) is supposed to study  the resources and needs of the community. It is supposed to prepare plans that involve land use, including development, cluster developments, housing, transportation, and zoning. The PB also approves site plan review applications for cluster and certain other types of developments. It conducts site plan reviews for commercial, office, and other non-residential uses of land, and is responsible for special permits for open space community developments and other selected uses, and makes recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals on special permits, variances, and appeals. 

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a quasi-judicial body that operates under the authority of MGL Ch. 40A for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Amherst. Section 10.38 of the Amherst Zoning Bylaw also outlines the process and specific findings that must be made for all ZBA special permit decisions. The ZBA holds public hearings and acts on applications for comprehensive permits, special permits, variances, and appeals of actions of the building commissioner. Most ZBA hearings are for special permit applications for residential or business uses not allowed by right. All meetings and public hearings of the ZBA are open to the public. Hearings are advertised in the local paper and abutters are notified at least 2 weeks in advance of the hearing. Most ZBA members serve as associate members for at least one year before becoming full voting members.

All of the incumbents have served only one three-year term on the Planning Board or ZBA, so all can be appointed to another term , but must be  recommended by the CRC.  Interviews will be scheduled in consultation with the applicants.

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