Town Manager Nominates New Members To Four Town Boards, Committees, and Commissions

Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
Town Manager Paul Bockelman, in a memo to the Town Clerk dated April 18, nominated six Amherst residents to be appointed to four town boards, committees, and commissions. The nominations were approved unanimously (5-0) by the Town Services and Outreach Committee (TSO) at their meeting on April 20, 2023 and will now be forwarded to the full Town Council for final approval. They will likely be taken up the the Council’s next meeting on April 24.
Affordable Housing Trust Board of Trustees
Nominated for a one-year term expiring June 30, 2024 was Grover Wehman-Brown of Station Road.
The Town Manager provided the following biographical information on the nominee.
Grover Wehman-Brown’s goal in joining the Trust is to lessen the affordable housing shortage in the town, help unhoused and housing cost burdened residents have affordable stable housing options, and prevent further expansion of homelessness and housing inequity. She comes to Amherst from the Bay Area where she was employed as the communications manager for East Bay Housing Organizations. Wehman-Brown will incorporate experience as a parent, a trans person, and a person with a disability to ensure those perspectives are represented in the public discourse.
The Charge of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and its associated records can be found here.
Disability Access Advisory Committee
Nominated for two-year terms expiring June 30, 2025 were:
Ian Rhodewalt of Pine Street
and Cody Rooney of East Pleasant Street.
The Town Manager provided the following biographical information on the nominees.
Ian Rhodewalt is a teacher who is an advocate for climate, economic, racial, and disability justice. As a person living with several disabilities, Mr. Rhodewalt will bring a focus on mental health awareness, sensory issues, access to public transportation, and the needs of those who are immuno-compromised.
Cody Rooney is studying Human Services at Holyoke Community College. He was born with Cerebral Palsy and his family was told he would never walk or talk. He does both now. Mr. Rooney was appointed by Governor Baker to the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, a state-wide independent agency funded by the Federal government to work with the state to better support people with developmental disabilities and their families. He feels his participation would also bring voice to other cultures, including his Native American community. Rooney also serves on the Town’s Cultural Council.
The charge of the Disability Access Advisory Committee and its associated records can be found here.
Historical Commission
Nominated for one-year terms expiring June 30, 2024:
Antonia Brillembourg of Barrett Hill Drive, and Mikayla Rasnic, of Brandywine Apartments.
The Town Manager provided the following biographical information on the nominees.
Antonia Brillembourg has developed community ties to the town and its history as a student. The Historical Commission is the intersection of her two passions and majors: art/architectural history and political science. Brillembourg understands the importance of maintaining the character of a place through the remaining artifacts of the time and has a specific interest in indigenous narratives that are not as prominent in the town’s history as they should be. She hopes to represent the voice of youth, specifically Hispanic/Latin youth, in historical preservation and help be a liaison between Amherst College and the town.
Mikayla Rasnic is committed to the preservation of local history and connecting history with artists. Previously, Rasnic had worked at the Humboldt County Historical Society processing and documenting archival material and assembling a public display of historical items. She also has contributed to the arts community both through her art and as a member of her local arts council.
The charge of the Historical Commission and its associated records can be found here.
Local Historic District Commission
Nominated for a one-year term expiring June 30, 2024 was Elizabeth Sharpe of Summerfield Road.
The Town Manager provided the following biographical information on the nominee.
Elizabeth Sharpe brings a wealth of experience and knowledge about historic preservation and architecture. She has a Ph.D. in American history with a concentration in architecture and a master’s in museum studies. She has previously served on the Historical Commission and works at Historic Northampton where she has worked with building owners on renovations that are sensitive to the historic nature of the buildings and has worked with historic preservation restrictions.
The charge of the Local Historic District Commission and its associated records can be found here.