Many Town Committees Have Vacancies Now Or Pending


Photo: Hans Isaacson. Unsplash

At its April 24 meeting, the Town Manager’s nominations to four town boards, committees, and commissions were approved by the Town Council. However, according to the town’s website, there are many more vacancies now or pending. About 100 positions will be vacant as of June 30, 2023, with some of the vacancies to be filled by the Town Manager, subject to approval by the Town Council, and others made by the Town Council alone.

The previous Town Council decided to keep secret the numbers and identities of applicants to all boards, committees, and commissions, arguing that applicants to public positions need their identities protected. Hence, keeping tabs on when and why positions sometimes go unfilled is challenging.

As of June 30, 2023 the following vacancies will exist:

Agricultural Commission: 3 vacancies (5 members)

Amherst Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board of Trustees: 4 vacancies (9 members)

Amherst Housing Authority Board of Commissioners: 2 vacancies (5 members)

Amherst Redevelopment Authority: 5 vacancies (5 members)

Amherst Cultural Council: 3 vacancies (9 members)

Board of Assessors: 2 vacancies (3 members)

Board of Health: 2 vacancies (5 members)

Board of License Commissioners: 1 vacancy (5 members)

Budget Coordinating Group: 4 vacancies (7 members)

Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee: 3 vacancies (7 members)

Community Preservation Act Committee: 7 vacancies (9 members)

Community Safety Social Justice Committee: 3 vacancies (7 members)

Conservation Committee: 2 vacancies (7 members)

Council on Aging: 3 vacancies (9 members)

Conservation Commission: 2 vacancies (7 members)

Council on Aging: 3 vacancies (9 members)

Design Review Board: 5 vacancies (5 members)

Disability Access Advisory Committee: 4 vacancies (6 members)

Energy and Climate Action Committee: 3 vacancies (9 members)

Finance Committee: 2 vacancies (8 members)

Historical Commission: 2 vacancies (5 members) 

Human  Rights Commission: 3 vacancies (9 members) 

Local Historic District Commission: 2 vacancies (7 members) 

Munson Memorial Building Trustees: 2 vacancies (3 members)

Personnel Board: 3 vacancies (5 members)

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission: 0 vacancies (2 members)

Planning Board: 3 vacancies (7 members)

Public Art Commission: 1 vacancy (7 members)

Public Shade Tree Committee: 2 vacancies (7 members)

Registrar of Voters: 1 vacancy (3 members)

Residents Advisory Committee: 1 vacancy (3 members)

Recreation Commission: 2 vacancies (6 members)

Transportation Advisory Committee 2 vacancies (7 members)

Water Supply Protection Committee: 2 vacancies (7 members)

Zoning Board of Appeals:ย  6 vacancies (9 members)

Note: The town’s list of boards and commissions, and their members, can be found here.

The town’s official list of vacancies to be filled can be found here.

Those wishing to apply for a position on any town community should file a community activity form (CAF). A single form may be used for application to multiple committee appointments.

Questions should be sent to the Community Participation Officers at

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4 thoughts on “Many Town Committees Have Vacancies Now Or Pending

  1. Yes. The total encompasses current vacancies as well as everyone whose term expires in June 2023. It is reasonable to assume that some of these anticipated vacancies will be filled with reappointments. But the reappointment policy for town committees has been less than transparent. According to the old town Appointed Committee Handbook,
    those who fulfilled their duties during their first term could expect to be reappointed for a second term, after which, preference would be given to new appointments. I suspect that’s not exactly how it works these days.

  2. On the Board of Assessors, where I’ve been serving, we have 3 members, and therefore we require 2 members for a quorum at any given meeting, usually monthly, but very occasionally more frequent than that. One member has made clear that he needs to step off at the end of his term in June. So someone new must replace him. I have served two terms and have indicated my preference also to step off. But it’s unclear whether we have a second new person willing to serve. There’s an education component required for service, dictated by state law (which I found fascinating, at least in part), on the Board of Assessors that may make it slightly more onerous for someone to volunteer. I am aware how absolutely crucial it is to the Principal Assessor’s time-sensitive functions to have 3 members in place at any given time. So I’m willing to serve for as long as is necessary to find someone to replace me. Given Mr. Keene’s comment above , if I have to be reappointed for any period of time, please don’t turn this into something potentially sinister. I will gladly step away if someone steps up.

  3. It is not my intent to imply that there is something sinister going on when someone is appointed to a committee for more than two terms. Indeed my concern is the opposite. That is, I am concerned when people who have fulfilled their duties well are not appointed for a second term. I don’t know if that’s the result of a sinister decision process or not but I think the town would be well served if the entire process were more transparent including letting residents know the rules or preferences that govern the reappointment process.

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