Jim McGovern Condemns Federal Debt Agreement During Visit To Amherst

U.S. Representative Jame McGovern. Photo: Wikipedia
U.S. Representative Jim McGovern spoke to a crowd of about 75 at the Bangs Center last Saturday morning (6/3). He began by explaining why he voted against the compromise bill to raise the debt ceiling last week. He said the debt ceiling should not be a matter of debate. It is the obligation of the country to pay its bills, even if some in Congress do not agree how the debt was accrued. He also did not agree with the compromise President Biden made with Speaker Kevin McCarthy which reduced spending on several programs for the poor, such as requiring those ages 50-54 to work in order to collect SNAP (food stamps) benefits, while not touching fossil fuel subsidies, defense spending, or tax cuts. He said that most people with SNAP benefits work, and if they are not working, there is usually a good reason.
After the brief introductory statement, McGovern took questions from the audience. He said that he no longer lets false statements go unchallenged when he hears them in casual conversations in the community or at a family dinner with relatives. Even if he doesn’t change people’s minds, he sets an example for his children and others who are listening. He noted that his district contains some of the most conservative areas of the state.
In response to other questions, the Congressman noted that much of our defense budget, which is more than the combined defense budgets of the 10 countries, after the U.S., with the highest defense spending, goes to maintaining nuclear weapons. He spoke to the harm done when the United States pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and to the grave threat nuclear weapons pose for the entire world.
He admitted that, growing up in Worcester, he rarely ventured to the western parts of the state and was unaware of the beauty and potential for tourism that Western Massachusetts offers. He agreed that the Massachusetts Democratic Party is too focused on Boston, and also does not communicate its initiatives effectively. He said, “Everything is now poll-tested, from what color tie to wear to what wording to use, so sometimes we sound like robots. We need real stories about real people to communicate how government policies affect them.”
McGovern is a co-sponsor of the Farm Bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. He stressed that this bill not only protects farms, but also conservation land. He also has a bill to support public libraries, but he does not expect it to come to the floor this session. Most of all, he said, “Elections matter. We have to fight back. It pains me that my 21 year old daughter has fewer rights than her mother and even her grandmother.”